Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Soul Preacher-lot of noise-Advice please.

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    Hi – I’ve just got a Soul Preacher Nano- it creates a LOT of noise (hiss) when engaged. I know any compressor will amplify noise, but this seems a well over the top. It’s powered from a regulated supply, I’ve tested it using a battery, with the same result. I’ve checked every other link and this is definitely the source of the problem. Anybody got any suggestions how to reduce this? There’s a trim pot inside the unit but I’ve got no idea what this does, so I don’t want to touch it yet. Anybody fill me in on this?



    The trim pot is the input gain, turn it down and the hiss will reduced…. I turned mine down so unity volume was around 12-1 o’clock, it will make a big difference. EHX obviously think it sounds best with a high input gain but after adjusting mine it was quieter and had a much more usable range on the compression knob.

    give it a go. (you can mark the trim with a sharpie or something if you like but I doubt you’ll want it back where it was!)

    let us know how you get on, for me adjusting this to match my pickups transformed the pedal….obviously when you turn the input gain down the compression level will fall too, so you might need up turn the compression knob higher than you did before after adjusting to get the amount of compression you want.


    Brilliant, thanks a lot – I’ll give that a go in the morning. Cheers


    Also remember that when in extreme levels of compression, you need ‘make up gain’, so you crank the ‘Level’ control as well. This also brings the noise along for the ride. There’s not much you can do to avoid that.


    I’m having same trouble. I’ve heard about the trim pot and am using p90s, at what position should i set the volume for unity gain

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