Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Soul Food Internal Buffer – On or Off?

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    I was liking the Soul Food’s buffer just fine until I updated the board with the Canyon, Neo Clone and Neo Mistress. But then I also added the TrueTone buffer at the start of the chain. I started noticing a piercing high end with the Soul Food and Neo Clone both on, so I decided to turn off the Soul Food’s internal buffer. I like it better so far, but I’m giving it a few days.

    What’s the consensus in this arrangement – Soul Food buffer on or off? Yes, I know I should trust my own ears. I’m asking for opinions. Thanks.



    That’s what it’s there for. To make it sound right with other pedals. You added a big buffer circuit with the Canyon, that’s why it sounds fine now that you’ve turned the SF buffer off. That’s why some people run their tuner in-line with other pedals, espescially if most of them are true-bypass, because it adds a buffer circuit. Or you’ll see guys who run a wah before their fuzz face put a tubescreamer or super over drive between the wah and fuzz. It adds a buffer circuit and keeps the fuzz from going into melt-down with the wah (which sounds awesome btw).

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