Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Soul Food bad solder?

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  • #84230
    The Ray

    Hello. I have a Soul Food pedal that isn’t working correctly. When it’s hooked up with guitar and amp it works during bypass with the switch off. When I press the switch to activate the pedal, it kills the sound. I bought the pedal second hand, so I don’t know if it has ever worked. He said it was new. I removed the board and took some pics. I noticed a glob of solder that doesn’t look right. It is R2 on the board and looks like it may be making contact with D1. Does this look right to you guys? I’m thinking it’s not right, and I may try to remove the solder. Red arrow is pointing at the solder in question.

    The Ray

    Pic. It’s the piece of solder towards bottom of pic at R2.

    The Ray

    Removed the solder piece with some tweezers. It was just barely stuck. Re-tried the pedal, and still no sound.


    Ray its best to contact service at info@ehx.com.
    They can fix this for you fast.

    The Ray

    Ok, thanks for your help.

    Ray its best to contact service at info@ehx.com.
    They can fix this for you fast.
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