Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics SMMH trails mod?

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    anyone tried to mod the Hazarai MM to have trails? Any info on the matter is appriciated, I don’t care about the stereo operation of the unit at all, if I could mod the SMMH to have trails in mono, it would be nice…

    Don’t care about the trails on/off either, I just need them all the time by default.

    How does the bypassing of SMMH works anyways? I see it’s a 3PDT, but I haven’t traced it to see what does it switch on/off

    Any infos?



    anyone tried to mod the Hazarai MM to have trails? Any info on the matter is appriciated, I don’t care about the stereo operation of the unit at all, if I could mod the SMMH to have trails in mono, it would be nice…

    Don’t care about the trails on/off either, I just need them all the time by default.

    How does the bypassing of SMMH works anyways? I see it’s a 3PDT, but I haven’t traced it to see what does it switch on/off

    Any infos?



    DO you mean trails so that when you hit the bypass switch? I know the Echolution from Pigtronix does that. You can of course use a mute switch before the SMMM which would achieve what you want without digging into the electronics.


    I’m really interested in this too – although i’d like a switch to turn it on/off
    Unfortunately I don’t have any solutions yet..


    It’s not going to be easy … you need to find a way of bypassing the pedal without bypassing the output of the effect so the repeats continue, I don’t think it would be possible without added electronics, using some kind of internal buffer switching system. Not a job for an amateur I suspect… I’d be very interested to see how it could be done though.


    I can get trails from my SMMH, but it’s rather complicated. . .

    My guitar goes into my HOG first. I use both the HOG’s wet and dry outs. Dry out goes to distortion and such, Wet out goes to stuff like delay. I have a two channel Fender amp, so everything gets recombined there.

    If I want trails I set the SMMH to 100% wet and put my HOG into volume mode (or use my OD that’s in the chain with the level all the way down.) This way I can mute the signal going into the SMMH while leaving the SMMH on.

    You could wire up a blender pedal with a loop and a mute switch to do the same thing.

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