Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics SMHH w/Hazarai hi-jacking

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    Hi everyone, first post and first topic here. I’m a huge fan of the Stereo Memory man with Hazarai and since I picked it up also have a Big Muff Pi w/Tone Wicker (love it) and a Soul Preacher (like it).

    I remember reading somewhere that it’s possible to plug your guitar into the L input of the SMHH, then patch from the L output back into the R input, then take the R input out to your amp. I’ve been playing around with this and currently have a Boss DS-1 distortion pedal in that loop between the L out and R in. It’s nice for momentary chaos when I’m using the looper function and I’m thinking about putting a pitchshifter or something else fun in there soon too.

    However I’m starting to wonder if I should just put the DS-1 straight in line after the mono out because looping back through the pedal makes the delays hard to control. I’m starting to think I should get an A/B switch pedal that goes from the L out and splits, one output going to my amp for non-hacked Hazarai and one out going into the DS-1 then back into the R input for the hijacked version. I’m not sure if having a dead R input will cause any problems with the stereo pings and whatnot.

    Can anybody explain what’s going on here or share experience using this same hack? I feel like there’s a lot of cool potential here with this pedal but don’t want to drop a hundred bucks on switch pedals and patch cables only to find out it sounds awful or is just too complicated. I play some shoegaze-y stuff, some post-rock-y stuff, and some acoustic with simple loops and stuff.



    good question, i suggest borrowing equipment to test it out cause i honestly think it would effect the stereo, but i could be wrong

    good question, i suggest borrowing equipment to test it out cause i honestly think it would effect the stereo, but i could be wrong

    I’ve been playing around a bit more and another big problem is that with each additional overdub in the loop mode the volume keeps going up. Seems pretty obvious in hindsight but the jumpered output feeds back into an input and mixes the previous recordings with each new overdub making a ton of noise. It’s kind of a nice effect but not the only way I’d like to use the pedal.

    I’m starting to think that a fix could be:

    Signal in –> SMHH L input
    SMHH L output –> Switchblade
    Switchblade A output –> modifier pedals (DS-1, pitchshifter, chorus, or tremolo)
    /Switchblade B output –> amp
    /modifier pedals –> SMHH R input
    SMHH R input –> amp

    Then it seems like the A channel would be normal Hazarai, and the B would be the jumpered/distorted version. Or am I way off here?

    The problem being that I already need a Switchblade+ before my volume pedal and SMHH for some sound-on-sound action… is this going to be too many cables and destroy my tone?

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