Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Small stone volume drop mod not working. HELP!

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    Ok so I have a vintage small stone, the board has “issue J” printed on it and the pot code is 1377830
    It has a noticeable volume drop when I turn it on and I have looked around for mods to fix it. Everything says to replace R11 and R42 to 10k resistors.

    Problem is when I do that the pedal doesn’t work. I have isolated one problem to R42, if I put a 10k resistor there, the pedal reacts the same was as if there is no resistor there at all, meaning if i were to just pull the resistor and leave it out. It also doesn’t seem to matter if I increase or decrease the resistor value it just stays quiet, it also seems like the lower value I go, the quieter it gets.

    With R11, it doesn’t seem to matter what I put in there it gives the same results. I can put in a 10k, a 1k or just no resistor at all and as long as there is a 4k7 resistor at R42 it works fine.

    I am totally stumped. Is there something I am missing? I just want this pedal to not be noticeably quiet when engaged.

    Below are some pics of the pedal and the board inside with the supposed resistor changes that have been recommended.



    i have exactly the same pedal , i do the mod and mine is working but i found the sound is different with this mod , i have another pedal with no mod , i have a volume loss but sound seems to be more rich , maybe yours have a bad ic or a bad transistor ( i put socket on mine to change ic rapidly)


    I suggest rather than attempting this mod you simply wire in a clean boost with a trimmer in place of the level pot between the output and footswitch, an LPB-1’ll do the job. If you can de-solder and re-solder a resistor, you can make one and there’s several DIY forums that will offer help and advice if you get stuck.

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