Home Forums Vintage EHX Small Stone and others ,how to tell the versions?

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  • #80976

    Hi !

    I’m very interested to buy an old smallstone and i’ve only a dubt…

    I’ve seen that the boxes are pretty similar to new and older version of circa 1979/1980 and i’m asking if it’s possible to recognize the year of the version only from a pics??

    Another dubt was..

    It’s small stone better sounding than Bad Stone or Vice Versa??

    Thanks Oby

    The EH Man
    Hi !

    I’m very interested to buy an old smallstone and i’ve only a dubt…

    I’ve seen that the boxes are pretty similar to new and older version of circa 1979/1980 and i’m asking if it’s possible to recognize the year of the version only from a pics??

    Only in a general way. The reissue has an LED so you can use that as guide. Also the paint is similar to the vintage 3rd version paint.

    Another dubt was..

    It’s small stone better sounding than Bad Stone or Vice Versa??

    Thanks Oby

    Only you can decide that. They’re a bit different so if you can do a side-by-side comparison then do it.


    thanks Eh man.

    I want a very invasive phaser and i’ve the opportunity to buy an old Small stone or a Bad stone but i haven’t the possibility do a side-by-side comparison.

    Can You Describe It?

    The EH Man

    The Small Stone is a very general phase shifter that can be quite deep when the Color switch is on.
    The Bad Stone has the “frozen phase” feature (like the Electric Mistress’ Filter Matrix) but they also sometimes have this really weird note-bendy phasing.

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