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    Well, I did the easiest fix and just bought another. As far as my stuff our stuff on myspace, I’m sorry! The record actually got completely re-recorded (except for the one song with the small stone goofiness) because we added a bassist. We literally just got the album back from print two days ago, and new posts should be up soon! Sorry if I’ve kept folks waiting, but trust me, it was worth the wait!


    So, I’ll get a nice Bday present with that song? or it will be up tomorrow? 😆


    I’m not in charge of the myspace, but I’ll talk to the drummer. He’s our little internet junkie (says the guy who is a member of the forum for effects pedals). We should have ’em up sooner rather than later. I’ll try to put a post up here when we get it all together. Oh, if you want some more silliness from Frown Pow’r, we do have a few videos on youtube… Some bad, some good. Don’t judge us by the fact that the drummer is drunk in a few and the singer can’t remember lyrics in another… Those are old videos.

    Don’t judge us by the fact that the drummer is drunk in a few and the singer can’t remember lyrics in another… Those are old videos.

    Oh my band is something like that haha.


    That’s how it’s supposed to be, right?


    I always say that nothing is ment to be, there’s nothing written. But yeah, it is likely to happen. Your band is somewhat more proffesional oriented? Because we’re just friends, if we suceed or not, we still have great times.


    Well, the band started as an excuse to hang out with friends last summer. We never meant it to get serious… But around December, the owner of our label called us and told us he had yelled at his wife the night before — because he hadn’t signed us yet. We got onboard with him, then things started turning a little more serious. We just released our first album on two indie labels, album 2 is already in the works, and our second release is gonna be a compliation that’s pretty unique. So, don’t rule out the possibility of getting serious with the band… Ours came sneaking up on all of us.


    Mine started too around december with a friend that he helped us to get started. Five months later (roughly) got a new drummer, and the old one went to the guitar, so we became a four piece. On may-june I was at a party with our singer/guitarist/ex drummer, and we played a few songs with borrowed instruments. July 26th: First show, and now we’re trying to make some new songs (we were covering some argentinian punk rock bands, since I live there haha, and little bit of ramones) Now we want to make something that I don’t know where is going to end up, most of my songs are kind of grunge, and still haven’t heard anything from them. What music are you into? (besides your band).


    Punk is where my heart truly lies, but the lo-fi movement that’s getting started again in the US is really starting to tickle my fancy. I also like a lot of older stuff. Zeppelin, Byrds, Beatles, Cash, Beach Boys… Almost anything from the sixties. Gospel, bluegrass, and soul kind of amaze me, too. I’m all over the map with my music. Some metal, some rap… You know, whatever fits my mood. You?


    Sort of the same, I like punk – It gives me energy, when I’m feeling down, it makes me look forward. Swing, Big Band, Grunge, Blues, Metal (and sub generes), irish folk, Funk, Trance (not Drum ‘n’ Bass) Indie, Ska, and I’m maybe forgetting something else. My own recordings, besides being crappy (I don’t have ‘professional’ recording gear) are bizarre and they have nothing to do with anything.


    Hey there, this is an old, not sure if anyone will read that.
    Just picked up a second hand small stone from the 80’s

    As soon as I unplug the input, so the guitar. The small stone acts like an oscillator with the rate knob acting as a LFO modulating the pitch.
    This is so cool! The phase works perfectly fine and if I unplug the guitar I have a extra instrument.

    Have to mention. There’s no cover for the batter and thing to clip on the battery is not there.

    How cool is that. Got a perfect phaser plus a weird synth.

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