Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Small Clone Low End Buzz/Rattle Sound

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  • #81275

    When I turn on my Small Clone and notes/chords played on the 3 low strings make the sound break up/fuzz slightly. This has only started to happen recently. I am powering it through the built in powersupply on my Behringer PB1000 but have tried it powered by a battery and I still get the same problem.

    Is it my amp/amp settings or a pedal default. The amp is a Fender Eighty-Five

    Thanks :)


    sounds like the signal it’s getting is too ‘hot’ maybe.. what do you have going into it?


    Guitar is going… Ibanez WD7 > Onner CX-1 Overdrive > Boss DS-2 > Boss ME-25 > SMALL CLONE > Nobels DD-800 > Amp


    Although I’m sure I tried the pedal running into the amp itself with nothing else and still having this problem

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