Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics Signal-Pad Uses

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    So I’ve owned the EHX Signal-Pad, and I use it mainly to control the loudness of my Q-Tron+

    I do not own a single-channel tube amp, as the manual intends this is what it is made for, so I wouldn’t know how it is with a tuber.

    I just want to know, for the people who own or have tried it, how do you use your EHX Signal Pad?


    The signal pad is almost a criminally simple device. basically an extra volume knob. you can set it how you like it and then switch it in and out of your signal.

    you CAN use it as a clean or distorted switcher for your amp but you can use it for a rythm tone and turn it off for a solo volume boost.

    If its wired how I bet it is, you could plug the input or output into an expression pedal jack on another pedal and control it remotely. why? I dont know but then again I dont know why anyone buys the signal pad anyway when you could make one for $10 with parts from radio shack or…you know…lower the volume on the guitar.

    Anyone else have some creative uses for the signal pad? aside from paper weight?

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