Home Forums Help/Technical Questions should i get a ring thing exp pedal?

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    i already have a hog and an eventide pitchfactor so i dont really need the ring thing for its pitch shift functions. does the exp pedal function on the ring thing do anything else other than alter pitch? im trying to make my mind up as to whether to get the ring thing or not!


    try out your HOG expression pedal on your Ring Thing and see if you think you need it or not.


    It controls the coarse knob in ring mod mode (and upper/lower band). For me the exp pedal is totally necessary but I agree that you should try it out first. If you only need the RT for ring mod, you may prefer the Frequency Analyzer. Although even without the exp pedal, tuning the RT to an incoming pitch by foot is pretty awesome.


    i havent even bought the ring thing yet, still trying to justify it to myself! ill seeif i can get into a guitar store and try it out maybe. im still in 2 minds about it, some of the sounds on the demo vids i love and then some just dont appeal

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