Home Forums Review Your EHX Gear segamaster system miked to deluxe memory man!

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  • #79856

    hey folks I’ve tried this last night!

    plug in Sega master system and have a friend play any game.

    record sounds off TV with a ribbon mic which is then plugged into any delay or looper
    pedal such as the deluxe memory man or any other model.
    then dump all the raw data into Audacity and mess around with it.

    add a pinch of fuzzed out bass and some free form guitar playing!
    believe me its trippy :rawk: :thumb: ;)


    well i have to get a webcam first this will take some time of course.

    i just hope you people can be patient while i work on this.

    if anything i can play it on my radio show on sunday at 11pm on cfmu 93.3fm
    the show is called This Aint No Disco.

    the website to download the show is at cfmu.mcmaster.ca
    look under show archives “this Aint No Disco”

    ive been here(CFMU) for at least 6 years.
    i also recommend these shows:

    Octopus Army Mondays at 5:00pm
    Cosmik Reprecussions Wednesdays at 7:30pm
    Bleeps & Hums Wednesdays at 9pm
    Franklee Speaking Sundays at 10:00pm
    Button Mashers Soundtrack n/a mondays or tuesdays im not too sure
    you can download the shows anytime or listen on streaming radio

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