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    I absolutely love my little big muff pi, gives me the tone I want. The only problem is changing the battery. When I got to change the battery, the screws were so tight that they wouldn’t come out. Now they are very stripped and I don’t want to put them back on all the way, as i’ll never get enough grip to get them off again. Now my cast iron pedal is held together by tape. Here’s my suggestion:
    Please make the battery case removable, like the ones on dunlop gear. Or at least use stronger screws. I can’t take it anywhere because i’m worried it will fall apart. The whole “internal 9v” battery thing is a pain and is turning me off to other great ehx pedals. I love what they do, but they’re a hassle to power.
    Another point I would like to make:
    When I replaced the battery, it was fresh. I’ve been using the AC adapter since i replaced it. Now the battery won’t hold up on it’s own and it needs the adapter still. Does the pedal drain batteries while it’s plugged in? (would using a different adapter be causing this? it came with a different pedal but it works fine with no battery plugged in)
    If you fine folks at ehx could please do something about the battery access and maybe clear some of this haze about the power drain that would be great.


    Maybe dont ream the screws down? Just get them in till they stop on their own and stop?

    YES! 98% of pedals are using power from the battery while the input is plugged in whether the LED is lit or not. just unplug the input when youre not using it and your battery is going to last a LOT longer!

    Maybe dont ream the screws down? Just get them in till they stop on their own and stop?

    YES! 98% of pedals are using power from the battery while the input is plugged in whether the LED is lit or not. just unplug the input when youre not using it and your battery is going to last a LOT longer!

    That didn’t answer either of my questions…
    The first problem is:
    My screws have no head left on them, so If i were to put them back in, I wouldn’t be able to turn them left and out, because the metal is cheap and soft.
    Second Problem: (not about input)
    I’m talking about the AC adaptor. When there is a battery in the compartment and the ac adaptor in, is it going to use the battery anyways? even when it’s plugged straight to the wall. I do unplug the input everytime i’m done.


    first problem: take the screws and pedal to your local hardware store. they can match the size and that. should cost you about $.30 per screw.


    With an adapter in the AC socket your battery will be disconnected and thus not in use or draining

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