Home Forums Vintage EHX Scott, maybe some pictures of your collection???

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    I’m imagining that you have a killer collection. Am I correct? If so, can you post some pictures.

    What about some pictures of inside EHX? Maybe blow our minds with some EHX porn???


    I vote that Scott not only list his collection, but that he makes it available for me to buy!!


    The miserable thing is that all of my wonderful old stuff is probably long gone (Instant Replay, Space Drum, Domino Theory, Three Phase Liner, and on, and on). Since I grew up with the stuff, it was always “just there” — same goes for Mike, I’m sure he wishes he still had copies of all sorts of things — “you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone.”

    When I was in junior high/high school, I used to keep a massive pedal setup — enough that the cumulative noise would start to play itself. In college, I had to downsize, and wound up with my Graphic Fuzz and 16 Second DD — more recently, I really like the Tube Zipper. In fact, working on the new EHX site has got me excited to dig around and try my mothballed pedals again. (I even have some ideas about TOTALLY NEW pedals… :)

    The miserable thing is that all of my wonderful old stuff is probably long gone (Instant Replay, Space Drum, Domino Theory, Three Phase Liner, and on, and on). Since I grew up with the stuff, it was always “just there” — same goes for Mike, I’m sure he wishes he still had copies of all sorts of things — “you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone.”

    When I was in junior high/high school, I used to keep a massive pedal setup — enough that the cumulative noise would start to play itself. In college, I had to downsize, and wound up with my Graphic Fuzz and 16 Second DD — more recently, I really like the Tube Zipper. In fact, working on the new EHX site has got me excited to dig around and try my mothballed pedals again. (I even have some ideas about TOTALLY NEW pedals… :)

    :love: :love: :love:

    Where are the smileys on here?

    Seriously cool stuff Scott!


    Scott have you any cool pictures to share with us?

    i’m sure there’s tons of things we have never seen before :)




    What kinds of ideas about new pedals is what I wanna know…

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