Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Salvaging a 1st gen POG 1

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    Hello, I have a number of issues with my old POG1.

    First things first, this pedal has been abused. I had to have one when they first came out. I placed my order and…. waited for a month and a half for one to arrive in the UK. Once I got it and plugged it in, the LED came on and… flickered and went out forever. The pedal worked fine, however. And rather than bother waiting to have it repaired or replaced, I lived with it.

    Anyway, fast forward to now, it is looking pretty long in the tooth. I’ve had it in storage for a few years since I wasn’t playing live or anything, and have subsequently lost the original power supply. Fine, I thought: I bought a decent all in one supply that had a good 1000ma 18v output, so went to plug that in and it didnt fit. In fact, none of the barrel connectors of any power supply I owned would fit.

    Secondly, the LPF switch at the top of the pedal is just sliding freely around, rather than settling into one of its notches positions.

    So I have a number of questions:

    1. Do the 18v POG1 power supplies (UK18DC500) have a differently proportioned barrel connector to most other standard 9v pedals? If not, what’s wrong with my existing psu socket?

    2. What is the specific switch used in the POG? Is a replacement available somewhere?

    3. What do I need to be careful of if I attempt to replace the LED myself? Since the original is basically just glued in, it looks easy enough to replace on my own.


    The EH Man

    I can’t answer your 1st question without taking a look at mine but I can help with the other 2. The switch is likely just pushed in. If you look inside the pedal, you can usually see the bottom of the switch coming out of the tabs that hold it in. You can just push it back up and bend the tabs in a little tighter. There’s a small metal piece inside the switch that makes the contacts so if the switch is completely apart, that piece may be floating around inside.
    For the led, it’s easy to replace. Just keep track of which wire goes to the flat edge of the led.


    I just purchased an original POG and have the same issue. The LPF switch has come apart needs to be replaced or reassembled. The metal contacts you’re referring to above did come apart and I’m looking for guidance on how the switch is supposed to go back together. Any assistance?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by thewiggity.

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