Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Russian Big Muff won’t light up

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    I have an old big muff and it no longer lights up or will activate. Sound passes thru and there is a slight tone difference when I press the button. I opened her up and checked all connections and they look good. I also replaced the 9v battery leads.

    Any ideas?

    Ned Flanders

    Did you re connect positive to positive and negative to negative on the battery clip?


    Lay you odds the stomp switch is knackered.
    Get a new one at smallbear. 5 minute solder job and you’ll be in business.


    Hmm, I kinda thought it could be the switch. The battery lead is soldered back color for color so unless the Russians use leads of different color I should be good there.

    Got a link to the switch I need?

    Ned Flanders

    You can get 3PDT switches from here: http://diystompboxes.com/zencart/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=1&zenid=88ca091d5f0d55e9fd2ed7bc04c5106b
    from $6.25 each and shipping is generally cheap.

    Is yours one with the huge silver switch?
    If it is you will need to true bypass it. I’ve done diagrams how to do this here: http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o127/truthandshame/Big Muff/CCCPBIGMUFFTBD.jpg
    If it already has the blue switch just replace it wire for wire.


    Smallbear has the big stomp switches too: http://www.smallbearelec.com/Detail.bok?no=454
    but the blue 3PDT switches are better quality.
    Depends on your version and what you want to do.


    I did the true bypass conversion on my black russian bigmuff with smaller switch. I am 99% sure it is all done correctly thanks to some coaching from Liberty and some others. It still does not function. I have not worked on this type of electronics before but I am an 11yr cable maint tech for the telco. I can read a meter, am familiar with working DC voltage and troubleshooting. What is my next logical step in troubleshooting this puppy?

    Currently it lights up and has sound when bypassed, dead with the light on.

    Ned Flanders
    Smallbear has the big stomp switches too: http://www.smallbearelec.com/Detail.bok?no=454
    but the blue 3PDT switches are better quality.
    Depends on your version and what you want to do.

    Yes but they dont fit every russian, there three varieties of that big silver switch, I have the first version, smallbear sells the second version, and theres a third version. 2&3 arent compatible with the first version which is found on the first issue green muffs, not the folded ones, the cast ones.

    Ned Flanders
    I did the true bypass conversion on my black russian bigmuff with smaller switch. I am 99% sure it is all done correctly thanks to some coaching from Liberty and some others. It still does not function. I have not worked on this type of electronics before but I am an 11yr cable maint tech for the telco. I can read a meter, am familiar with working DC voltage and troubleshooting. What is my next logical step in troubleshooting this puppy?

    Currently it lights up and has sound when bypassed, dead with the light on.

    Then your LED and bypass wiring is more than likely correct.
    Check the effect in/out wiring. Also check for solder bridges.

    Pots wired correctly?
    effect output is a wire coming from volume lug 2.


    Well I think my pots are wired correctly. Anyone do repair for those over their head?

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