Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Russian Big Muff Pi and Holy Grail troubles

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    I’ll start with the Holy grail for I have most recent expereince with that.
    The problem started some time ago- where i would go to turn the blend knob and it would be scratchy- i know cleaning the pot would probably fix that, yet everyonce and awhile it will cut out completely or just kind of crackle in and out if i keep playing with it on. id leave it sit for a few days and it would not give any signal when i turned it on, yet would come through clear when off. leave it for another month and it plays for an hour or two and the problem repeats, with the crackly knob being a consistant problem.

    Similar problems have been had with the big muff. im going to try it out again this weekend and report back the issues im having.

    i’d like to try and fix the problems myself as i am shallow in cash.

    any help or clues is much appreciated

    The EH Man

    Leaky capacitors allowing voltage onto the pot could cause that. Bad solder joints at the pots is also another possibility.

    Leaky capacitors allowing voltage onto the pot could cause that. Bad solder joints at the pots is also another possibility.

    okay, i think i’m going to try and resolder those joints. if that doesn’t work i guess ill try putting in new capacitors. not sure what kind i’d need exactly or how hard they could be to gt ahold of.



    It could also just be dust or dirt inside the potmeters, try spraying them with those airspray cans to clean computers. Another way to help it is use some pure alcohol but you’ll have to greasen it up again after with products like Molykot DX or some acid-free grease.


    I had problems with my holy grail cutting out when i used anything but the included power supply


    just tried out the Russian Pi Big Muff again. when i first plugged in i didn’t get any sound when turned but i turned the sustain knob and a crackle came and i had signal, played on for an hour or so, then came back a few hours later and whenever it was in the loop there was a terrible hum. This brought back memories of what its problem was a year or two back, it would eat up a battery in a day or less.
    i opened it up and saw that, where the red and white wires coming from the 12volt battery attachment solder to the board, it looks pretty black and crispy.

    i did have to replace the power supply for the holy grail because the old one had broken. i just dug it out and now it wont come on at all and wont let a signal through what so ever.

    they both seem pretty doomed at this point




    Hey man, i have the same problem with my holy grail, it started acting up the other day.
    When i turn it on there is no effect, but when you turn it off the clean sound comes on. I had the same problem with me electric mistress but got that replaced. The unfortunate problem i have atm is that the holy grail is out of it warranty =(

    Did you get it sorted yet?


    I had the same problem and I turned out the issue was incredibly silly:
    I was using a friend’s Russian Big Muff Pi, so I never got a chance to take it home and take a good look at it. It was having the same incredibly random problems you are describing.

    It turns out that last time he opened it, he forgot the line up the case/ground wire’s ring with one of the case screws, so it was bouncing around the case, occasionally bumping up against stuff (the output jack in my case).

    So whenever you re-close it, don’t forget the ground wire.

    I realize that is totally dumb, but I hope it’s your problem because it’s such a relief and easy fix.

    Good luck!

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