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    Hi,I would like to buy a Russian Big Muff but can`t find a dealer in the UK .I wonderded if you could help and thanks for building something to believe in.
    Cheers Phil Abandonreligion.

    Ned Flanders

    . I’m sure melx will know somewhere in the UK, he should be along soon.


    Hope you get one soon.

    I got one coming in the mail.

    The EH Man

    You’ll have to buy a new or used one from outside the UK.

    The EH dealer catalog says of the russian Big Muff: “Not available in Rohs – No Shipments to EU”

    Ned Flanders

    Try tonefactor.com.

    You’ll have to buy a new or used one from outside the UK.

    The EH dealer catalog says of the russian Big Muff: “Not available in Rohs – No Shipments to EU”

    mmm….that’s interesting, you used to be able to buy them everywhere, I was wondering why they were going for more on ebay lately.

    my local shop had a few on the shelf not more than a year ago.

    If that’s the case I’d imagine that your best bet would be to visit, phone or email all the small guitar shops in smaller towns and see if they have any sat around….

    ….or used on ebay/gumtree of course


    Thanks for the help, the only one I can find on e-bay is in Japan so fingers crossed I will win that one .
    Cheers Phil.


    ironically, the only place i was able to get my russian muff (without ordering) was when i went over to the states :p


    You can buy from proguitarshop.com ;) they send everywhere.

    I live in Turkey and i got a Russian Big Muff which i bought five days ago.But there is a anything about ROHS compliment i can’t say anything we are not a EU country yet (maybe we will be soon or far.)But our customs use the same law compliments with european ones.

    Anyway you can try the ProGuitarShop i’m pretty sure they will send if your customs don’t let pass the Big Muff they send to the sender back and you can refund with paypal.

    Dr. Matt

    I’m finding the answers pretty useful in this thread since i’m looking for a russian muff too. It’s a pity they aren’t readily available here.

    I live in Turkey

    You’re so lucky! I was in Turkey for 2 days (Istanbul and Kusadasai) when my grandparents took their grandchildren on a Mediterranean cruise. (I thought the cruise was kind of lame and sort of wish that I could have just stayed in one place for 2 weeks, but heck, free vacation, I’ll take it.)

    I wish we had Dñ¶ner Kebab stands in the states. Where I live all we get are Gyros, which are good, but not quite the same. When I was in turkey I had a chicken one with a mint and garlic yogurt, a hot pepper, tomato, lettuce, and a hot chili sauce that was really good. I can’t find any chili sauce in the states that tastes the same. Sriracha sauce is similar, but is too sweet.

    Also Istanbul is the coolest city I’ve ever been in.

    And I felt more comfortable in Turkey because people didn’t think I was American, they thought I was German.

    And that reminds me- I need to find a liquor store that sells some good Raki.


    try looking on ebay, im sure there are some there.

    Dr. Matt
    try looking on ebay, im sure there are some there.

    I just checked the UK ebay and search found nothing.

    Ned Flanders
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