Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Running a Flanger Hoax at 12v 500mA?

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    Hey all. I am new around here, though I’ve been using EHX for a bit.

    Anyway, I picked up a used Flanger Hoax a while back, and I just noticed that the power supply I got with it is 12v, 500mA. Two questions:

    1. This won’t damage the pedal, right? It just made its way onto my pedalboard, so I haven’t run it at 12v much.
    2. Do any of you have facility to check if there’s a noticeable difference in how the pedal behaves at 18v vs. 12v?

    Thanks in advance. I was lucky, and snagged a green russian big muff in a box of old pedals this guy was getting rid of, and it plays very well with the flanger hoax. Still trying to get a handle on everything the FH does, but that’s half the fun of it. :)


    IF you go over the voltage the pedal was designed for, you could fry it. Its like plugging something that takes 110v on a 220v outlet.

    IF you go over the voltage the pedal was designed for, you could fry it. Its like plugging something that takes 110v on a 220v outlet.

    yeah, but it’s rated at 18v. i doubt running an 18v pedal at 12v would damage it, but if somebody knows otherwise, i’d like to hear it.

    that being said, i know plenty of pedals rated at 9v that people run at 12v, and all that happens is they get greater headroom. 1/4 watt resistors are generally overkill in analog overdrive or compressor pedals rated at 9v, and they can easily handle 12v. i’ve got an arion SAD-1 that i’ve run at 12v, and it’s fine. i imagine this doesn’t really apply to digital pedals, but the FH is analog.

    i’m basically asking if undervolting the flanger hoax is straining the electronics, and if undervolting it has negative sonic effects. i’m aware that people are happy with the effect of undervolting some compressors and overdrives, but the FH is not an overdrive or compressor.


    Oh, you ment running it with less voltage than the required. It could not work at all, it could do weird noises, or could work bad, or just different. It’s like a leaking battery if I ain’t wrong. But I think it can’t do any damage.

    Oh, you ment running it with less voltage than the required. It could not work at all, it could do weird noises, or could work bad, or just different. It’s like a leaking battery if I ain’t wrong. But I think it can’t do any damage.

    That’s pretty much what I thought. I’ve run the thing for probably a cumulative 5-10 hours on that power supply, and it hasn’t bombed yet. If I can locate an 18v power supply, I’ll see if it makes a difference in how the pedal behaves. Thanks for the feedback. :)

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