Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Ring Thing Warble HELP???

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    I’ve been searching and reading posts, but haven’t found anything that has helped yet. I use the EP-2 Pedal with my Ring Thing and when I use it for pitch shift (up 1 octave), while the pedal is in toe down position, there is a fast warble to the notes. Even the led of the “Preset” switch blinks as the note warbles. If I step on the Preset switch, both the blinking and the warble stop, but if I use the expression pedal, the blinking and warble are back. I can’t tune out the warble with the fine tuning, either. It gets better, but is still there. Can anyone help me???


    I’ve been searching and reading posts, but haven’t found anything that has helped yet. I use the EP-2 Pedal with my Ring Thing and when I use it for pitch shift (up 1 octave), while the pedal is in toe down position, there is a fast warble to the notes. Even the led of the “Preset” switch blinks as the note warbles. If I step on the Preset switch, both the blinking and the warble stop, but if I use the expression pedal, the blinking and warble are back. I can’t tune out the warble with the fine tuning, either. It gets better, but is still there. Can anyone help me???

    blinking just means that something about the preset is being changed. and the warbling is probably being caused by the filter. either turn the filter rate all the way up, or off, and it should go away.
    the fact that it seems to be syncing up with the preset light’s blinking is probably just a coincidence.


    Hey, thanks for the response.

    I just attempted to turn the filter/rate switch all the way off (counter clockwise) and on, and neither one removed the warble. I even noticed if I leave the expression pedal anywhere in the sweep, the warble is there, but will leave if I hit the bypass switch. I may make a video to illustrate if needed. I’m wondering if anyone who has the Ring Thing and an Expression pedal noticed this-or could try and see if they haven’t yet…


    a video might help. what kind of warble is it? chorus-y, vibrato-y, etc?



    I recorded a video last night. I used the “Fine Tune ” knob to try and fine tune it, but no matter where I had it set, there was still the warble. As I recorded, I realized perhaps the “Preset/Tune” switch is meant to tune the Whammy as well, and it will only hold tune until you use the expression pedal, but that doesn’t make sense.


    So, here’s an update.

    After trying a Roland Expression pedal and experiencing the same issue, I returned my Ring Thing under warranty and was given a new one. Same problem. After writing to EHX support again, in which I described another video I found with a bass guitar showing the Ring Thing whammy function where I could hear the same warble, I was told it seems to be a problem with all Ring Thing pedals and they would let me know if they find a fix. Will keep you posted…


    Thanks for the information,just found this post my technorati news feed section! I was searching for this since past 3 months and i am glad to see it here. Thanking you much


    Any fix found yet? Presence76 – did you get an update from EHX Support?



    Unfortunately, I have not received an update. I’m not holding my breath. Maybe if enough people bug them they can find something.

    I did notice if I left the expression plug half out of the input and used the expression pedal it would switch from normal pitch to octave up (nothing in between), but there was no warble in the octave up that way. I don’t know much of anything, though so although I think there may be something to that, I can’t figure it out…


    I just want to mention that we are aware of the warble problem in the Ring Thing when using an expression pedal but we have not had the time yet to fix it. We hope to have a fix by the end of November. I have no idea how we are going to update units out in the field though.


    Thanks for the heads up!



    i ordered a Ring Thing today….
    And now i read this here.

    Luckily i have the option to pay the postman at the door…or just don’t take it.

    When i read of a fix in the next month, i will become a customer.


    edit: When did the ringy thing come out? (on the market)


    Ok…forget it.

    -It takes three months to reproduce and confirm this problem
    -The product is not new
    -EHX doesn’t know how they could fix units already sold and shipped..but sell and don’t (have time to) fix.

    It seems it will take longer, until there are new versions in the shops.
    200,- for that (in Europe). Joke?

    –I will just buy somewhere else–

    GL EHX.



    Just an FYI, they are definitely working on the problem. I received an e-mail from the tech who helped me in the first place asking some clarifying questions. Yes, the problem sucks, and perhaps things could have been handled differently, but they are making an effort


    Any more info on this, a bandmember uses the Ring Thing, he bought an expression pedal, but it isn’t of ant use now.. And for the rest it is a cool pedal!

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