Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Ring Thing Shimmer help??!!!

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    I just saw Bill Ruppert’s Effectology 11 on Shimmer. I do not own a POG2, but I do have a Ring Thing. I got two y adapters, and wired my guitar into my reverb, then from one y adapter out of the reverb one into my Ring Thing and the other into my delay (DD7), and the Ring Thing goes into the delay as well (using the other y adapter).

    The problem I’m running into is I get the octave sound with every note I pick, not just the octave swelling over the notes. Is that accomplished by the 2nd delay? I switched the reverb and delay, but it’s the same result. It almost sounds as if there is no attack in the octave up portion, but I’m not sure. Perhaps I just confused everyone (or myself)

    Let me know…


    bill ruppert

    Well the problem is I used a POG2 which has an attack control and it is set at 100%
    That swells the note in, removing the attack
    I also used a delay after the pitched shifted signal.
    That set it back even further in time.
    All the settings and chains can be found here.

    As an option to the attack control you could use a reverse delay sound after the pitch shifted signal to remove the attack.

    Bill ruppert


    Wow, the master himself! All your demos are wonderful!

    Thank you for the quick reply. I guess the Pog2 is really what I want. I have to decide between saving up for that or going for a dedicated pedal.


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