Home Forums Help/Technical Questions RING THING QUESTION – COARSE ADJ KNOB

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  • #80861

    OK, First the ring thing is a truly amazing device… enough said.

    Now the question: In pitch shift mode, my understanding from the instructions provided, is that the COARSE ADJUSTMENT KNOB should adjust the octave in discreet half steps from -2 octaves to +2 octaves.
    My ear is not detecting discreet steps but infinitely variable settings. In other words, I would expect to hear 4 distinct changes from 12 o’clock position to -2 octaves. Or am I reading something wrong or not understanding what is meant by “half steps”???


    There are 12 1/2-steps in an octave (just like moving one fret up on a guitar). So, from your description, I’d expect 24 discrete steps from noon to min.


    Thanks, for the response and I also verified it myself by using the good old internet google engine. Music theory is not my strong point but I am learning.

    What an amazing pedal. When I learn how to use this ring thing to its full potential (and that may be never since it is already educating me) …. WOW. Looks like I am in for a learning curve. Wish me luck.

    I don’t think I deserve this pedal!!! I will try not to let it down. :)

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