Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Ring Thing problem, turns off, leds blink

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  • #82842

    Hi! I’m having an issue with the Ring Thing.

    The pedal works fine for about 2 mins then the active LEDs start to blink and the pedal turns off, is it a voltage problem?
    I’ve been powering it with the pedal power 2 plus from voodoo labs on output 6 (250ma) the manual says the ring thing only uses 190ma.
    I tested several pedals on the same output on the pedal power 2 plus and they work fine, it’s just the ring thing that has this issue.

    This started to happen yesterday and I am lost, any advice?

    Thank you!


    I am also having the same problem. For some reason you cannot hook up the Ring Thing to the VoodooLab Pedal Power 2 Plus. I have a Memory Boy Deluxe and a Cathedral that work fine through the Voodoo Lab Power without any issues. I used a stand alone 9v boss adapter and it is fine. I am not sure what the reason is. Anyone from EHX?
    Any help appriciated … Thanks,

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