Home Forums Help/Technical Questions RING THING / PROBLEM / HELP !!!!!!!!

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  • #80221


    I meet a problem with my new Ring Thing & Expression Pedal…

    So, now if I plug a M-Audio EXP expression pedal, or any other E-Pedal I tried like BOSS EV5,
    The toe down position is always a little bit lower current setting of the COARSE knob…
    And if I unplug the pedal, the good tune/setting comes back..

    I tried to turn the pot on the expression pedals, to try different setting with different models…
    But it always do the sames….

    Could you help me to find a reason of this…

    Thank you very much !



    If you’ve tried more than one expression pedal, the problem could be the Ring Thing. Do you have the switch on the bottom of the M-Audio pedal set to “M-Audio,” not “Other”?


    Yes of course, but the good mode is M-Audio…
    It’s the same with the EV5…
    I don’t know if there’s a trim pot inside the pedal…

    Yes of course, but the good mode is M-Audio…
    It’s the same with the EV5…
    I don’t know if there’s a trim pot inside the pedal…

    There are no trim pots in the Ring Thing. The problem sounds like it is with the Ring Thing.


    Ok, so I think I’ll have to send it back to my seller…
    I’m not lucky on this case…


    which power supply are you using? It draws a lot of current and if the ring thing doesnt get it it sounds out of tune…



    I have a post about the very same issue. I have been working with an EHX Staff member, and actually received my Ring Thing with a software upgrade today! Problem solved! I’m going to post this in my original post as well. Not sure how they’re going to fix all the broken units, but I would send an e-mail to info@ehx.com That’s how I got mine looked at…

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