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  • #80362

    So how do you guys like your Ring Things? I’m really digging mine. Unfortunately I haven’t taken down any of my settings but I’ve filled up all of the presets with cool sounds. I definitely like the preset system on the Ring Thing way more then the SMMw/H.

    So tell me how you guys use your Ring Thing, cool tips and tricks etc.


    alls i can tell you is that i really want one!


    I love it alot. Too bad it already went crazy on me. I just returned it to where I bought it and am waiting for the replacement.

    But as far as the good, I have it after one looper (Boss) and before another (SMMH). I’m getting all kinds of good use like that, pitch-shifting the loop, ring modding the loop. Then I control it with a Kaossilator in the mod input. I just record a loop of a simple melody and then play guitar and it flanges and swerves all over the place. A great tool


    I’m liking mine so far too.
    I use it as a tremolo and also the ring mod to try and get that jeff beck ring mod sound.


    whats does the exp pedal do? im trying to decide whether to buy one but ive already got 2 other pedals for pitchshifting o i dont need it for that. does the exp pedal have any other functions at all??


    The Exp pedal controls the ring mod frequency when in r.m. mode, or the pitch when in pitch shifter mode.
    In r.m. mode by controlling with the exp pedal you can get weird ring mod shifting sounds (like old sci-fi) or interesting noises (ala sonic youth). In p.s. mode it acts like a whammy, continuosly changing the pitch of the shifted note. IMHO it’s a really versatile pedal, but only if you’re into weird or experimental sounds.


    ringthing just got a nice review in guitar player mag.


    I’m having hard time figuring how to use it. I got this for taking the role of phaser, tremolo ( so fatr so good) , octavio and such.
    I tried to replicate the settings in the instructions manual and some videos, but all i got was a dronik space kick from hell sound . In EHX forums, all settings thread are filled with appreciation comments, but no settings at all.

    I figured that the coarse know is particularly sensitive, a slight rotation can change the tremolo to lot more fast paced effect.

    The fact that i don’t have a clue in sound proessing/ signal /hertx thing doesn’t help me, i know that. Maybe i’l change for another effect more friendly than this tool, because i need a toy !

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