Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics Ring Thing appreciation thread

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    Who’s rocking out with one of these? I got one myself 3 months ago. I mainly use it for trem, ring mod, 1 and 2 octaves up and a very convincing univibe/phaser preset.

    Where do you guys use it in the effects chain? I have always used mine after distortions and before delays. Anything I’m missing?

    Share some love people :)


    9 pedals in 1 and I dont have to reach down and tweak. Seriously, those presets is what sold me. Now if I could only figure out what the mod input is for Id be set (theres some mumbo jumbo in the manual, but no practical explanation.)


    it’s for running a separate input to remodulate the sound against. ie, if you run one of the outputs into the mod input, it’ll sound similar to autotune, if you run an output from your vocals, it’ll create more of a talkbox/vocoder effect. swipe an output from your bassist or keyboardist next practise and see what happens.


    w0w!! I changed my mind I want this gadget as one of my collection.

    wavy dave

    just got my ring thing a few days ago and am having a ball, however, iam also looking to learn more on how to set the unit, how to get various sounds out of it. anyone know where i can go online to share settings (patches & knob settings) ? wavy dave

    it’s for running a separate input to remodulate the sound against. ie, if you run one of the outputs into the mod input, it’ll sound similar to autotune, if you run an output from your vocals, it’ll create more of a talkbox/vocoder effect. swipe an output from your bassist or keyboardist next practise and see what happens.

    so does that mean i can have some a mic going to the mod input for vocoder as one preset if so what an amazing pedal if you consider all the pitchshifting, lfo, transposition and ringmod apps.
    is the a way you can controll the rate of the univibe ish setting so i can sell my fulltone mdv2 and digitech whammy 5 and get one of these bad boys

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