Home Forums EHX News Riddle/Enigma QBalls

  • This topic has 33 replies, 15 voices, and was last updated 15 years ago by m0jo.
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    First, Is this a autofilter unit and if so, how is it different from the QTron+?

    Thanks for stoking the GAS!
    Yeah…. I’ll take one of each! :rawk:


    Honestly, I can’t see the necessity. I’ll take a look at the pictures that’ve been posted and get back to you. There might be some unique features…


    Okay, so knobs on the Enigma/Riddle: Blend, Mode, Attack, Decay, Start, Stop, Q, Sensitivity. Dry out and wet out, foot-switchable distortion and expression pedal in.

    QTron+: Mode, Response, Range, Peak, Gain, Boost, switchable polarity, and FX loop.

    In short, they’re bascially for different types of music: I’m guessing the Q-Balls is for more experimental stuff, whereas the Q-Tron is for that classic funk sound. Just my guess.


    I Appreciate the reply.
    ….Attach, Delay….. hmmm ADSR is the first thought that came to mind (1/2 of one that is)……
    I’ll have to be patient and wait for the video I guess. The new Vocoder will also be of interest to see exactly what it is.

    It is actually nice to see some new ingenuity in effects coming out instead of companies cloning the same old effects as in the 80’s 90’s. EHX, MXR and Mutron were my favs then and still are now. The *OG’s are tremendous in what they do and with good tracking. ueber-cool stuff.


    Is there a bigger picture out there Chumley? I could not make out all of those controls at the low res.

    If you’re right about the controls. I think it might be an Attack Decay filter, and not an envelope follower.

    Which would be really, really, really, awesome. I’ve wanted a pedal that has an Attack Decay filter for quite awhile.


    If this turned out to be attack decay filter I’d be so over this. I’m thinking its going to be a Synth Wah.

    Regardless, you think it will be Analog or Digital?

    If this turned out to be attack decay filter I’d be so over this. I’m thinking its going to be a Synth Wah.

    Regardless, you think it will be Analog or Digital?

    Now that you say it, makes a lot of sense doh! Has all the controls. Maybe EHX is planing to do away with the guitar/bass synth (or not, “economy model”) and you just use a *og + one of these Q’s w. Balls to take it up a notch? That sounds interesting.

    I do agree with others who have said that it would be nice to have all the info posted here already before the word is out. Or it must be part of the marketing ply to get the juices flowing. I do not like getting teased that way…. ;)


    q BALLS – dual filters?

    wonder how crazy it can get like the lovetone


    I’m the most excited about these. I’m wondering, though, if it’s the same thing as having a Bassballs in the effects loop of a Q-Tron+. I already have that combo, and it sounds incredible.

    I’m wondering, though, if it’s the same thing as having a Bassballs in the effects loop of a Q-Tron+. I already have that combo, and it sounds incredible.

    Both of these are envelope followers though. I’d be interested in hearing a wave file with this combination. So you would get movement within the Q-Tron+… sounds interesting.


    Now that ya mention it, it DOES sound like a synth wah… that gives me an awesome idea. Enigma->POG2!

    You get twice the octave effects of the Microsynth, plus detuning, attack decay wah, attack delay, and a fixed filter. And if the distortion on the Enigma is a square wave… =D

    Goddam, I love EHX so much.


    So POG2 + Enigma might be like a polyphonic microsynth basically.

    That’d be awesome.

    Not to mention, the distortion on the Enigma could probably be set with a static filter for that half-cocked wah sound.


    Maybe it’ll have a combination of a Micro-synth type filter and a Bassballs-style filter? I’d love that.


    EHX should do more demos of pedals in combination… ya hear that? *poke*

    It’d be really cool to do demos of common combos, eg, Dr. Q/Big Muff or Big Muff/Holy Grail…

    *pokes Scott*

    EHX should do more demos of pedals in combination… ya hear that? *poke*

    It’d be really cool to do demos of common combos, eg, Dr. Q/Big Muff or Big Muff/Holy Grail…

    *pokes Scott*

    And Scott pokes YOU right back!

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