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  • #82118

    Hi all

    I’m thinking of buying a retro style mic

    Something like this:


    I don’t know much about mics to be honest. When playing live I currently use a (borrowed) Shure SM58 that has, to be quite frank, seen better days.

    I know one of these wouldn’t sound quite as good as an SM58 – but I was wondering if it would make much difference? It sure looks cooler! Would feedback be an issue? Does anyone have much experience of this kind of thing?

    I usually play pubs/clubs/functions etc.



    The Shure 55 (the “elvis style” vintage mic)…… yeah they sound terrible. the antifeedback foam makes you sound like you’ve got a tshirt balled up in your mouth. the muffling is really bad.

    As far as an awesome sounding vintage mic, the Shure Green Bullet is a great sounding kind of “megaphone-effect” mic that you can use live (don’t have to worry about feedback).


    Thanks for the reply.

    I’m actually borrowing a Shure 55 Series II for a gig this weekend, so I will test it out then.

    To be fair, I probably sound best with a T Shirt stuffed in my mouth!


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