Home Forums Vintage EHX replacement vintage muff cases – if youre into that thing / beware collectors

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    so i snagged one of these the last time he put one up, because i was on my iphone and i wasnt quick to read the description. wasnt original, my bad. thought it was a NOS cover or something…its well made and well printed, but i could see the sharpee marker cut lines inside. either way, this presents a potential issue for buyers/collectors, as its possible you may be purchasing expensive pedals with non original covers. people could swap out an original rams head with a beat up cover with one of these, and it might fetch $100 more or whatever, and you might be none the wiser. most people follow a visual ‘if it looks in good shape, the insides are in good shape’ rule of thumb.

    so, just a cautious note.


    i saw that the other day; was wondering who would buy that.


    Not cool… oh well, beware.

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