Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Record Function on 2880 problem…

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    Hello, I just received the 2880 I purchased last week. When it arrived yesterday, everything was well packaged and seemed fine. I plugged it in and used it with no problem.

    Today, however, I plugged in but the recording function doesn’t work at all. The machine will not enter the “record ready” mode, will not respond when pressing record other than a a slight blip in the headphones. When all of the LEDs light up during start-up the record LED doesn’t.

    I have combed the manual a few times to see if there is something I have missed, but there is nothing to lead me to believe I am missing a step. Nothing could have damaged the machine over night as I stored it in the box it came in in a safe place in my living room.

    This is my first time using this machine, so I am not completely sure that I am not experiencing user error. Does this sound strange to you?


    you could always try reformatting the card in your computer – people with 2880 problems sometimes solve them through reformatting…

    otherwise, i see a conversation with ehx in your future … sounds like your unit is in need of replacement

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