Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics Recognizer Sound From The “Tron” Film

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  • #81805

    Here is the second half of the Weird Science Cake,

    Respectively start your chain with a Wiggler, and then the Polychorus. Then hook the Electric Mistress to one side and a Cathedral to the other of the PolyChorus. Use two Y cables from a stereo input device. There are other effects before and after the line but that’ll be part of the fun of figuring it out.

    As follows-
    —-Electric Mistress–L/ >Y
    Wiggler—-Polychorus– = Stereo Device

    R >Y

    Just make sure that the rights are right and the lefts are left.

    You will be able to make the Tron Recognizer sound with all of the knobs. Feel it hovering down, ready to crush your little program out of the Grid.

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