Home Forums Help/Technical Questions REC problem with 45000

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    Device freezes when recording a new loop. Able to make the new loop, select a track, arm it to record. At this point only the REC button responds, then lights solid red & device becomes completely unresponsive, requires a reset. It plays existing loops fine, writes mixdowns no problem.

    Tested memory card + tried 1x alternative, no problem found with cards and same problem on unit with both (32gB & 8gB class 10). Firmware upgrade didn’t resolve it. Power adapter checks out safe. Same with/without footswitch in, with/without audio in & with whatever record setting I arm it to. Inspected the mem card insert, all pins looks present & intact.

    Any ideas please?


    Just double-checking, are you using the power supply that was supplied with the 45000? Where are you located and are you using the power supply for your region?


    Thanks Flick. It’s UK with the proper 3 pin/240v/9.6v EHX branded adapter, nothing unusual going on.


    Quick update, narrowed it down a little more – recording track 1 on a new loop seems to be the issue. I can record on a new loop on track 2/3/4 but since track 1 sets the loop length, I’m pretty much limited to one loop of the click bars. I can then go back and record on track 1…


    Hey, i’m having exactly the same problem (haven’t tried creating new loop on track 2,3 or 4 yet/ sometimes it will create new loop on track 1 then crash eventually) but find that using a loop bank which has an imported loop (on mix down channel say) makes it work fine – but this is obviously not ideal!

    It’s out of warrenty & I live in Scotland. No answer from Germany repair centre (though would prefer not to send that far). Uk can’t repair out of warrenty….

    It happened around the time I was formatting a new card & installing the firmware update. Is there a way to go back to original firmware?



    Cool, thanks for the input.

    Should have mentioned – I wish I remember more details because I didn’t think too much of it, but this started around when I had (a presumably isolated) issue with the USB connection to the computer. It didn’t work, then I think the unit went a bit berzerk, so I tried a FW update. It was operating again generally, but AFAI remember I don’t think it’s worked properly since then. Unfortunately it’s been during a lot of moving around for me so I’ve only had intermittent attempts at playtime with it to even track the issue, so it’s a bit wooly now.

    Also noticed that when I manage to record on a new loop’s track 2/3/4, it saves and plays back during that session but doesn’t write to the card – the folder for the loop isn’t even there.

    I’ve tested both my memory cards in a number of other applications now, I’m 100% certain they’re not the issue. USB conxn to PC also works fine, reads & writes data. One positive is that I’ve been playing around a lot more manipulating the loops I’ve got on there, seeing what cool stuff I can do, that’s fun.


    I’m not exactly sure what’s going in both your cases but can you first try re-formatting your SD cards to FAT32 using the official formatter from SD Association: https://www.sdcard.org/downloads/formatter_4/

    Choose Overwrite Format rather than Quick Format in the Formatting Options.


    Resolved, thanks Flick. out of interest is there any info on what it is in the 45000 file system that causes this?

    Resolved, thanks Flick. out of interest is there any info on what it is in the 45000 file system that causes this?

    No, we don’t know. We have to research this further to see where we might be deficient in our file system handling.


    Hey Flick, this also resolved my problems. Thank you SO MUCH!!!!

    Hey Flick, this also resolved my problems. Thank you SO MUCH!!!!

    Great to hear. Thanks for letting us know.


    No problem! It’s homestly the best result I’ve had in a long time!

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