Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Ravish Sitar – PROBLEM with sympathetic string intonation!!!

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    Hi guys!

    Please help!!! I’ve bought Ravish a few days ago. It really sounds great and everything…
    BUT… when I play notes on 6th or 5th string, a big problem occurs!!! The sympathetic pitch simply isn’t correct! I don’t know why? It suppose to be an octave above playing note (like on other strings), but in my case it’s 5th above the octave! And I’ve tried everything… I’ve changed all of keys with mode/preset knob, but nothing happens…(otherwise, my song is in A minor) If I go further… whatever I do with settings , the problem with simphatetic intonation persists (and always on those 2 strings, up to note E1)! For example, in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcWPzGU8VE0 every note sounds great, because of pure octave intonation with playing notes… in my case, every single note on 5th string sounds like chord (because of strong ˝5th above octave˝ presence), and now this became very frustrating,’ cause I have recordings with Ravish this weekend, so I will be very thankfull for someones advice… Please ! :-)


    What your hearing in the ravish picking up the 5th overtone from your guitar string. If you pinch pick a distorted guitar to hear the harmonics (ZZ top)the 5th is strong within the fundamental note.
    Lower strings produce this stronger.
    The harder you pick the lower string the more you will hear the 5th.
    Try the neck pickup or pick a little softer as that will reduce it some or adjust the Sympathetic knob on the right.
    Its with in your natural string harmonics and will be there to some degree.
    That said its a 5th and it works for drones…the root is still there.
    Hope that helps a little.


    Hi guys! Big thanks for your answer… I appreciate! So, 5th can’t be totally reduced… that’s to bad, ’cause I’ve got to record chord melody (with occasionally ˝let ring˝ situation) on my lower strings… yes, adjusting the right Sympathetic knob towards minimum reduces this strong 5th above octave presence and octave overtone is now a bit stronger… I’ll explore further and hopefully manage somehow… Thanks! ;)


    Try the neck pick up or pick softer on the bottom strings.
    Or try a different guitar…


    I’ve tried the neck hambucker on my ESP KH2… and I’ve also turned left my tone knob on guitar to reduce sustain on 5th… And now… Yes, this is much better! ;) Thanks for your tips, it helped me very much! Cheers!! m/

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