Home Forums Help/Technical Questions question ’bout stereo memory man

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    hi! i hope this isn’t too stupid a question, but i am a relatively new guitar player so please go easy on me! anyhoo… i purchased a deluxe memory man a few months ago and when the pedal is stomped off the delay immediately stops (i’m assuming that’s the limitation with it being analog). my friend has a digitech digital delay and when he stomps his pedal off the delay still decays naturally. my question, then, is…. does the stereo memory man kill the delay as soon as the pedal is turned off or does it allow the delay to decay naturally like my friend’s pedal? thanks in advance!!!

    The EH Man

    The delay turns off immediately.


    thank you, kind sir.


    while we’re on the subject, i also have to gripe about the fact that my DMM seems to be extremely sensitive to input signals. even when i’m playing a clean tele through it the overload light beams and there’s (in my opinion) alot of distortion and color on the output signal. i have to turn the level way down to avoid this and consequently this lowers the overall volume of my guitar (ie. when i step on the pedal things quiet down signifigantly). is there a chance my pedal is defective? because if so it’s under a year old and still under warranty.


    lower the feedback and/or level to lower the distorsion, but an analog will always add that little color on the repeats…it’s part of the warmer sound I guess.

    a digital delay won’t.

    I’ve notice it can also be sensitive to guitar volume…try lowering that…

    mine I have to lower the blend and level at around 11′ to keep the overall volume steady, it gives a little boost.


    i also have a deluxe memory man that i’ve been using for a while now.
    so yes when you switch off the pedal it cuts the delay right away but it doesn’t kill it, i.e. if you turn the feedback knob to the maximum you will see the pedal overload without making any sound.
    and about the fact that your signal is being distorted… i’d say that’s the way EHX effects go and that’s one of the many reasons why i love them. it’s analog so the signal has to go through several circuits that will change the input sound. there’s a demo video of the deluxe memory man on youtube that you can find on this site where the player only uses the preamp section without any delay added to the signal just to show its sound. if you haven’t seen it you definitely should!!

    i hope this helped you a little!!


    awesome! thanks for the tips guys! i will try out your suggestions and definitely watch that vid!

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