Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Problem with Deluxe Memory Boy

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    I bought a Deluxe Memory Boy almost two weeks ago. Played with it a few times by itself with the power adapter and plugged into my amp alone. Sounded great!

    Then I put together a pedal board with a daisy chain. I used the same adapter it came with to plug into the BOSS chromatic tuner pedal, and then connected the daisy chain through 7 other pedals including the DMB. Sound quality was noticibly worse, a ticking noise that went to the beat of the green tap tempo light was occuring, the delays were significantly quieter, and I had to have the feedback knob cranked to get four repeats.

    So I took the daisy chain back and got the voodoo lab pedal power 2 and plugged everything in with that. This fixed the issue with the ticking noise, but I still had all the other problems.

    Then I went back to plugging only into the DMB from my guitar straight into the amp, powering it with the AC adapter it came with and it still has the quiet delays and feedback and gain knobs have to be cranked to heard more than two delays.

    I know this isn’t right… any idea on what’s going on/what I’ve done to it?


    This is literally exactly what happened to me. It worked fine and sounded great, then I used a daisy chain and it had the same exact problems so I got a pedal power 2 plus and although the clicking stopped I can hardly hear a delay. I really just want to get it working like normal.

    Mr. ORANGE


    it can be the low pass filter – check out if you don’t have it up – I had and the feedback wasn’t doing much…But DMB really doesn’t like other adaptors and daisy chains but I thought that it would work just fine with the isolated outputs of your Voodoo. I don’t know…But try the filter thing – just hold the Expression button and then I think ?Rate? knob is the amounth of the low cut – so put it completely counter-clockwise…

    Hope that helps…


    I had the same problem back in the summer and put it on the shelf in frustration. Pulled it off the shelf weeks later and then it worked fine. Then today I tried it and it wasnt’ working! It powered up fine and I could hear the faint swishing of the ocillator but no echo. An internet search pointed me in the direction of the power supply which seemed an unlikely culprit to me. My wall wart was a 9V center negative rated at 650mA. However, I had nothing to lose so I switched it with a supply that is recommended for Boss and Ibanez pedals… it is a 9.6V center negative rated for 200mA. Now it works! Switched back the other power supply and bam it stops working. So there you have it. Give it a try.


    Hey guys…
    Have you resolved the problem? Mine is doing the same thing. It worked fine yesterday, and now it isn’t… the blend and gain is fine, as well as the led’s.. but no delay…
    Please tell me if you had worked it out. Thanks…


    Hi guys!

    Maybe I’m going to say something completely uninteresting, but I’VE GOT THE SAME PROBLEM!

    What can I say in addition, is that repeats disappeared when I plugged DMB not at home, like a rehearsal place. After that I tried to reproduce the problem at home – and all became magically fine.

    But today I plugged DMB (at home!) in a long chain, with a microPOG in DMB’s send/return. And AWWW JEEZ NOT THIS AGAIN repeats disappeared. Only that “I can hardly hear a misty shadow of one tiny repeat”.

    Any ideas of how to fix it? Or how to avoid the situation? (Hope this topic is not dead)

    Anyway, examine to be continued. Going to put it on a shelf for a while, once it worked for me too.


    Sorry please write the techs at:

    9-5 M-F NYC time



    Ok, I’ll send a detailed report. But good news – DMB’s repeats are back!
    One night was enough to recuperate (tried this morning).

    And here’s an idea of how did I cause that problem:
    First chain (works OK!)
    [morley wah] -> [custom env filter] -> [DMB]([microPOG] in send/return) -> [POD2.0]
    One 9V 1.7A adaptor was powering three pedals: DMB, microPOG and env filter.

    Next day, when problem appears:
    [morley wah] -> [custom env filter] -> [DMB]([microPOG] in send/return) -> [digitech jamman solo] -> [POD2.0] -> [korg kaoss pad3]
    This time that 9V 1.7A adaptor powered up 4 pedals — env filter, dmb, micropog and jamman solo. No repeats! Go asleep. Good night!

    Use separate adaptor for DMB! Or make sure that your supercharged adaptor can handle current required for entire board.
    And one night is ok to recuperate.

    This evening (Minsk, Belarus time zone) I’m going to reproduce this situation.
    Just for science. Fingers crossed!


    Hey there! I hope this thread isn’t dead.
    I have a Deluxe Memory Boy since about an year ago, and last week it started failing, it is the exact same issue that you all reported here: blend knob must be fully clockwise to hear some delay (but the sound is crunchy and awful).

    I’ve always used the pedal with its own power unit. I don’t have any other pedals. I’ve tested the power unit and it’s ok, it delivers stable 9v. I’ve tried replacing the power unit with a new one, but the problem remains :/

    Were you able to solve the issue?
    Can you suggest something to try?

    Thanks in advance.
    Warm regards,


    Please write the techs at info@ehx.com

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