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  • #78944

    I have this effects chain: bass—>bass big muff—>flanger hoax—>cathedral reverb—>stereo memory man with H—->2 Combo Amps (maybe in the future I’ll add the HOG)
    I want to put a pre-amp inside this pedals chain,something like this:

    chain: Bass—>bass big muff—>| PRE AMP |—->flanger hoax—>cathedral reverb—>stereo memory man with H—->2 Combo Amps

    Well,I need to know if the pre amp must be stereo(Inputs L-R Outputs L-R)or if it could be mono,too(1 In 1 Out)

    waiting for the best solution,waiting for all your suggestions.

    thank you very much


    It depends on what you want to do with the chain, if you want one without the effects to go to a combo and the other chain effected to another combo, that would be a cool thing..


    Hi Toonster,no I don’t want two different signals,I’d like a unique effected signal that would go on both the 2 combos.

    Kevin Demuth

    the way you have your signal flow written out in your first post, the preamp would need to be mono…


    can you please specify what you mean by ‘preamp’ and what you want it to do.


    by preamp I mean a stompbox pedal like the EHX Metaphors or other similar products( like the TECH21 )
    about what I want to do with it,I want to connect the pedal preamp out to the inputs of a stereo pedal,for instance to the inputs L-R of the Cathedral Stereo Reverb,
    for this reason,I want to understand if I need or not of a preamp with two Outputs.


    I’m not sure you want a pre-amp. The way the chain is described, all you need is some kind of stereo pedal, like a chorus maybe, that will go to each combo amp (as the combos already each have a preamp and power amp). Is the goal to send something direct to the P.A.? Those DI boxes you mentioned, I don’t think either is stereo. I know the Sansamp is not.

    The Bass Big Muff, Cathedral and SMMH all have dual outputs. I don’t know about the flanger hoax but others do. You seem to have all the tools necessary to do what you’re describing.


    Hi The Ghost of Sim Tut,my goal is not to go into the P.A.,maybe is like just you say,the pedals will make the “work”to split in stereo the signal.


    Good. Try this:

    bass—->bass big muff—->flanger hoax—->cathedral reverb(in stereo, to SMMH)—->stereo memory man with H——>(in stereo to 2 Combo Amps).

    Actually I just read that the Flanger Hoax has multiple output options. You’re all set here, and it will probably sound WICKED.


    nice!!!!it sounds bewitched :)
    how would you suggest me to use the multiple outputs of the Flanger Hoax?


    Well again I don’t have the FH, but the picture shows a direct out, effect out, and blended out. If you are in mono you are probably using the blended out. However, with the Cathedral being stereo in, stereo out, you could use the Hoax’s direct out and effect out instead, to both sides of the Cathedral, then the Hazarai, then the amps. Then you would have more control over your sound and the stereo separation you’re looking for. :)

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