Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Powering a memory boy?

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    I recently got a handpainted memory boy in a trade, and I was wondering if it needs some special way to power it. I risked using the one spot which makes it work ok, but my DM-2 has to have it’s own power supply. Since the memory boy is also analog, should I get a seperate power supply for it?


    It strongly suggests in the instructions that come with the unit to use the supplied power adaptor. It is also the general concensus on this forum that using the provided power adaptor is best for optimal playing conditions. If you got it in a trade you might not have the supplied power adaptor, it’s the standard ehx “replacement for Boss/Ibanez” adaptor.


    analogue pedals are usually fine on 1-spots it’s usually digital pedals that cause problems, if it works fine on the 1-spot I’d continue using that, it won’t do any harm.


    I’ve noticed the delay bleeds through the bypass as well….

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