Home Forums Help/Technical Questions power supply for the holy grail

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    hey EHX

    my power supply is humming and hissing like mad when plugged into any power source in my house and with this i think its bust, not working, but it powers my pedal and it works great but the hum/hiss comes through the amps speaker too

    would this be the case ???



    hmmm I’d get a different power 9v supply

    1spot maybe


    it takes a specific powr supply
    the 9v dc 500mA one
    its a smaller tip, like the male tip i think it is
    not like the normal one tip thing
    do you know what i mean ???

    thanks for your help


    well as long as you’re getting enough juice from a 9v supply you should be good. Other thing is that you can get an adapter tip for other power supplies from 1spot. The Holy Grail requires a C35 adapter from them.


    well as long as you’re getting enough juice from a 9v supply you should be good. Other thing is that you can get an adapter tip for other power supplies from 1spot. The Holy Grail requires a C35 adapter from them.


    cheers matey

    ill see if anywhere local to me does these as im in the uk

    thanks again !!!


    My Holy Grail Plus only works for like 20 seconds then completely shuts off! The power light is still on but the effects are NOT working. I use a Voodoo PedalPower 2 with 9v Boss-type adapters that are supposed to work for this thing (according to the pedal instructions). What do I do!? I just bought it “New” on ebay and the seller won’t take returns… I hope I didn’t just spend 120 bucks on a pedal that doesn’t work. Is this a common problem?


    just an update its working fine now

    i have it through a differnt amp

    the amp i was putting it through at the time has gone back and its faulty

    i have since got two extensions out of two sockets in the wall

    one extension has my pedal board power, 1echo, SEM And english muff’n power supplys in

    the other has

    holy grail power
    boss power for my tuner on top of the amp
    and my amp

    i only get very slightly mininal hum now, so tiny you can hardly hear it

    happy now

    i think it all depends on if you overload extensions and sockets

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