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    I now have several EHX pedals and I was wondering if there’s an economical central pedal board power unit available to power them?I know 1 Spot produce one but according to their site it’s not compatible with the gear I have.Do EHX make such an animal?
    Soul Preacher
    Big Muff w tone wicker
    Echo #1
    Memory Boy
    Micro Q-Tron and Iron Lung due to arrive any day now….!


    I don’t know about ‘economical’, but you will need something with isolated outputs. Ostensibly, that will cost more than a 1-Spot. Look into the Pedal Power.


    The Voodoo Labs Pedal Power units cost 100-180 bucks, but are well worth it if you have a lot of powering needs

    The Voodoo Labs Pedal Power units cost 100-180 bucks, but are well worth it if you have a lot of powering needs

    True. And, for the pedal-board ‘lite’, there’s the Voodoo Labs Iso 5, which includes an 18VDC output. That’s the $100 price point, where the Pedal Power 2 is $170. Pretty tough to go wrong, but you do have to open the wallet.


    I got the PP2+ when Microsoft was doing the ebay cashback, so I got 25% back after 60 days. Otherwise I’d still be on a power strip!

    EH should make a power supply, especially since they’ve got some weird voltages.


    Thanks for your ideas.In fact I’ve found another company that makes power supplies – effectpowersupplies.com who seem to be well thought of – any of you tried them?

    I now have several EHX pedals and I was wondering if there’s an economical central pedal board power unit available to power them?I know 1 Spot produce one but according to their site it’s not compatible with the gear I have.Do EHX make such an animal?
    Soul Preacher
    Big Muff w tone wicker
    Echo #1
    Memory Boy
    Micro Q-Tron and Iron Lung due to arrive any day now….!


    Voodoo Lab
    T-Rex Chameleon
    TheGigRig power solution

    — G.

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