1 spot will work fine and it isn’t expensive. i have many many pedals and run 2 1spots for the 9v ones.
people just suggest not to mix digital and analog pedals together in the chain, you could get unwanted noise. for example people complain about the SMMH in a chain power setup, but i personally haven’t had issues with it, so it all trial and error depending on your setup i guess.
but with the line up you have a 1spot will be perfect IMO.
I’d experienced this “unwanted noise” with digital pedal used with daysichain power supplies before, with boss DD-20 and with the SMMH. But still i’d suggest you tu buy a 1-spot or Carl martin Powerjack
it’s cheap, yeah, but if i don’t use it with digital pedals it’s absolutely cool. I don’t have any issues with running the delay pedal with it’s separate power supply so i’m good with that
and you can use the rest of the money to get some good cables – that helps your rig alot
if him was me, he wouldn’t be so mysterious to me, would he?
nah, i don’t know… someone wrote me he wants to trade it for EHX White Finger and because i was selling WF at the moment and i really wanted useful tremolo, i agreed