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    Welcome any advise on this matter…
    I purchased my EHX pedals in UK but now living in Spain. Specifically I have problems with the 2880 looper; the click track seems to amplify & distort the longer that loop plays even if not adding more tracks. Only seems to happen when output to guitar amps, the headphone output is unaffected & also don´t have the problem at home plugging into Mac via Line6 toneport. I suspect some sort of power mismatch then – perhaps if I bought a similarly-rated EU supply it might help? Is this the sort of problem you might expect using UK componants in Europe?

    Thanks in advance!

    The EH Man

    Aren’t the UK and Spain both on 220V? If so, I don’t see what the problem would be.


    I use power supplies from the UK (230V) in Switzerland (230V), Germany (230V)
    & France (230V) with no problems.

    Spain is 230V. The UK used to be 240V & Spain used to be 220V but
    that has changed.


    Thanks all for the prompt responses. I didn´t know that about UK & Spain coming into EU 230v. Actually I´ve since tried the same setup at home (2880 stereo in two guitar amps) and problem didn´t occur. So perhaps there´s something up with the electrics in the rehearsal room – will try to prove this as root cause next then. Cheers!

    Ned Flanders

    Australia is 240v/50Hz and i use 220V UK power supplies on my pedals. I just us a plug adapter.


    Update on this…in the end I bought a T-Rex Fuel Tank, to supply other pedals primarily but which also has a 12V DC 500mA output that seems to work with the 2880. Solves the problem I had previously with the click track interfering with loops at least. Bit worried still though since the 2880 ships with a 9v DC 500mA adaptor, and perhaps feeding it 12V for an extended time is going to knacker it (although I’ve read elsewhere this might be safe enough). What I really like to by though is a genuine EHX replacement Euro adaptor – anyone able to advise where I might be able to get this from? I’ve contacted my local dealer in Barcelona already but unfortunately they seem only interested in selling me new pedals. Alternatively I’d look for a different brand solution to provide 9V DC 500mA (in fact using the T-Rex doesn’t really work for me since the patch cables are short & I like the 2880 on a stand at arms reach while playing….).

    Thanks again for any handy hints…cheers!


    Just bring up an old thread. I bought my Deluxe Memory Man XO from America does the power adaptor support 240V? (Australian)


    I think not, if it says it’s input is 110V, then no.

    Just bring up an old thread. I bought my Deluxe Memory Man XO from America does the power adaptor support 240V? (Australian)

    no US mains uses 110v… if you plug it in without some kind of power stepdown it will smoke… and it’s pretty dangerous to be honest.

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