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  • #102962
    Kevin Demuth
    friedjesseradio can be a bit FANatic at times :)

    Yeah, I’ve noticed. ;)

    lame. its ehxless

    wrong. correct. ;)

    I really hope you were joking mate; I’ve never heard anyone describe vintage Colorsound, Vox and Guyatone pedals, and the Boss PN-2 (a classic) as lame.

    Lots of ehxless boards are cool

    true. :thumb:


    yh kevs boards are always awesome, just casue were on an EHX forum, dont mean we have to post boards with 1 or all ehx pedals on it

    i have always liked his boards, on here, harmony central and other sites

    and theres vintage pedals on his board.

    i dont think anyboard is lame, wether each pedal is worth a million bucks or nothing, if you like it and it gets good sounds out of it, its a good board

    also kev with photo bucket, i have resized it again, but theres no apply button with my mac, it jsut says image has been re-sized, but then i try and put it on again, and its massive

    Kevin Demuth

    yh kevs boards are always awesome, just casue were on an EHX forum, dont mean we have to post boards with 1 or all ehx pedals on it

    i have always liked his boards, on here, harmony central and other sites

    and theres vintage pedals on his board.

    i dont think anyboard is lame, wether each pedal is worth a million bucks or nothing, if you like it and it gets good sounds out of it, its a good board

    Thanks Ash, but it doesn’t really bother me what people think of my gear…
    hopefully Jesse was joking anyway, if not, I’ve been playing for long enough, and have (or have had) enough different pedals (at all price points from Danelectro to Lovetone) to know what I like not to be concerned what other people think.
    I post pictures from time to time here and on HC just for a bit of fun, and to remind people that there are some great pedals out there if you look beyond the usual big brands and the trendy ’boutiques’.

    also kev with photo bucket, i have resized it again, but theres no apply button with my mac, it jsut says image has been re-sized, but then i try and put it on again, and its massive

    oh, that’s weird… although I do remember that happening to me.

    (assuming it’s the same on PC as Mac)

    in Photobucket, there are two ways (that I know) to resize pictures, the first is to use the normal ‘resize’ menu – which gives you a few preset sizes and a custom option. This seems to be the least reliable and I too have had ‘resized’ pictures revert to their full size.

    The other, more reliable method is to click on re-size in the ‘Edit’ drop-down menu – which uses the full editor.



    lame and small. just kiddin man

    Kevin Demuth
    lame and small. just kiddin man



    board I use for my synth.
    want to replace the digitech bass synth wah with a microsynth (or just add a microsynth)

    Kevin Demuth

    ^ Nice.

    Which ModFX are those?

    Ampliton, Phlngr and Faze?


    yeah, i’ve been trying for about six months to win a Philtre or Bitrman but ebay is not working with me. Also been trying to get through Alesis’s customer service department to see if they have any of the Fidelity X or Formantz units from prototyping but again, no luck.


    how about that Space Echo brother? is it any good?


    I was reluctant to take it off of my guitar board because it sounds so good but the band i’m with plays reggae and really, the out-of-control dub sounds are sooooo gooood on it. Just wish I had another.
    (i’m using it on the piano and organ in this song: http://www.last.fm/music/Sam+Binder/Dub+Love+Single/Dub+Love , if you’re interested in how it can be used both obnoxiously and tastefully.)


    would you think its any good for those long “desert-y” echo sounds that i wanna produce??? i read some where that along with some white noise from a muff you can create some really cool woooshing winds effects….


    oh for sure. I was a very annoying David Gilmour when I first got it.

    oh yeah, and i dont think i would find it fully necessary if at all to have the bass big muff pi. and why would you rather have a holy grail instead of a cathedral? and change the boss tuner to a polytune. and i noticed your graphic fuzz is really scratched up

    I don’t see myself using all the modes, knobs, and infinities of the cathedral on an useful way. I like the simplicity of the hg. And well, there are some $ in between as well. I would change both muffs for a double muff and my russian bmp.

    yeah I now use the Stereo outputs of the Cathedral for 2 amps…

    I play on 3 amps and each one has his dirt pedal!

    I re-setup the order a lot so the GF his first on the right line and blended with with the Big Muff TW at the end on the left line with the Cathedral…I even have a schematics program to design my signal path…the Bass Big Muff his alone straigt to a bass amp for low end growl…

    The GF was bought used so it’s scratch but working fine!


    We’re running a Fender Aerodyne tele with Hot Rails on the bridge/Dano ’59 DC/Gibson Les Paul Studio through a Fulltone Clyde Standard wah > EHX Black Finger > EHX English Muff’n > EHX Germanium OD > EHX Memory Man Deluxe to an Orange AD5. We’re looking to add a PPC112 cab, (on order), an EHX Tube EQ and possibly a Fulltone Dejavibe and/or EHX Worm (need to know more about what it does to the signal).

    Also have a small clump of obsolete Boss pedals, two truely hideous Jim Dunlop pedals, (we all make mistakes) and a EHX Graphic Fuzz which I use with a small 2w Marshall to make a small solid state setup for those quiet times. The GF would have a place in the main rig but I’m avoiding signal processors as much as possible.

    P.S. If anyone is looking for that truely vintage blues/classic rock range of tones and it seems to keep evading them get yourself a tube amp and avoid pedals that process your signal, as in take the sound that goes into it and completely reconstruct it. I’m not saying pedals that do this are bad, just look where the technology was for the sound you want and use that as your guide. Apologies to those who already know this but it drove me nuts for years…. Oh and germanium fuzz running at low voltage is a must for any vintage electric guitar sound IMO.

    I’ll post a pic of the setup so far later :D

    @ Mr Grim

    i dont know if all russian bballs are better sounding than the nano version… but when/if you get the nano version do a quick review…

    @ friedjesseradio the small stone is on my to-buy list already ;) is nano version the same with the old big-chassis one?

    I use my russian bassballs with the distortion switch on and the knob at about 7-8 o’clock. I went to a gtr store to try out the nano but did not like it. My russian bassballs has a nice long, smooth decay at the end of the filter sweep, the nano I tried made a mechanical “clunk” sound at the end of the decay. The clunk sound was very low in volume, but it was there at the end of each note as it trailed off.

    Anybody else hear this “clunk” sound at the end of the nano baseballs?

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