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    I don’t like to get to effectsy either. I try to keep my gear simple and to the point. I would consider the SMM w/H, though. I’ll have to try one at GC sometime.

    The Blues Breaker is an awesome overdrive. I use it mostly to boost the signal going into the Muff’n. If I’m playing just blues, the Blues Breaker/Surf Trem combo is hard to beat, especially through my Classic 30.


    Kevin Demuth
    The Blues Breaker is an awesome overdrive. I use it mostly to boost the signal going into the Muff’n. If I am playing just blues, The Blues Breaker and the Surf Trem are hard to beat, especially through my Classic 30.


    thanks Dave. :thumb:

    i’m quite tempted to get one. i used to have a Guv’nor (the original one) which i liked a lot.


    I’ve wanted to try the Guv’nor for ages. What are they similar to in terms of gain and tone?

    Kevin Demuth
    I’ve wanted to try the Guv’nor for ages. What are they similar to in terms of gain and tone?

    it has the trademark, classic Marshall distortion sound… i don’t know how else to describe it.

    by modern standards I’d say it has a moderate amount of gain – a little less gain than a Rat for example.
    the three EQ controls and range of gain make it quite versatile in theory but i found that i only liked the pedal in one setting… which was with the gain at maximum for an all out rock sound. :rawk:

    the EQ – the treble in particular – is interactive with the gain; i found that the higher you have the gain, the less treble you need and vice versa.
    if i remember correctly, it is quite dynamic – even at max gain – and responsive.



    My pedals :

    Ibanez LU20 tuner -> Zvex Fuzz Factory -> EHX XO Microsynth -> Catalinbread V8 Fuzz -> Zvex Box of Rock -> EHX Small Stone phaser -> Line 6 Verbzilla -> EHX Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai


    Welcome JorisBlack and nice board :)


    nice board!

    Dr. Matt
    Nice Free Speech. I picked one up real cheap to play around with, but it is honestly giving me more trouble than its worth. It doesn’t play well when in line with the rest of my effects (i think its the buffer/bypass of the Free Speech, adds some really bad noise/clipping to my signal) I also bought a real cheap XLR-1/8″ cable to use with it, and that barely works.I’m thinking about getting an A/B box and putting my board in A and the Free Speech in B, and then probably just running the Free Speech into the PA. I dunno, big hassle. Don’t know if I’ll keep it around.

    Yes, i might do that too – the inline function is pretty useless, i don’t even bother to use a mic with it anymore for bedroom practice. usually the tube gets taped to a mic stand and i use it into my vocal mic when i need to amplify it – running it through an amp just doesn’t work. A guy at college has a Rocktron Banshee talkbox which is so much better…

    Julian, thanks for the suggestion about making a board, but it’s the case that i need really – my needs are a good quality case that i can just open up, lift off the lid and have all my pedals there already setup that i just need to plug into the amp.

    Welcome JorisBlack and nice board :)

    Thank you.



    Most recent pic of my pedals. It’s usually not that messy, and there’s usually not a bass laying on top of them. Hehe. I don’t have a board because I’m constantly moving pedals around.

    EHX gear (all there, but some you can’t see, I think):

    HOG w/ Foot Controller
    2880 w/ Foot Controller (sits on top of amp)
    Germanium OD
    Graphic Fuzz
    Small Stone
    Q Tron

    I ALWAYS have the Germanium OD and HOG (once I get around to having it repaired) in the chain.

    Also, cool forum! Thanks for making it.


    Most recent pic of my pedals. It’s usually not that messy, and there’s usually not a bass laying on top of them. Hehe. I don’t have a board because I’m constantly moving pedals around.

    EHX gear (all there, but some you can’t see, I think):

    HOG w/ Foot Controller
    2880 w/ Foot Controller (sits on top of amp)
    Germanium OD
    Graphic Fuzz
    Small Stone
    Q Tron

    I ALWAYS have the Germanium OD and HOG (once I get around to having it repaired) in the chain.

    Also, cool forum! Thanks for making it.

    Thanks for posting! cool gear. I will have a HOG one day….it’s such an awesome pedal.



    I love the HOG


    my first post!


    my first post!

    Cool! How do you like the Hot Tubes?
    I used to have the Holier Grail, but I sold it off and bought the Holy and Holiest Grails. I do miss the gate on the Holier Grail 😥 That was a really cool feature. I might have to pick one up again some day.


    As my first post, here’s my humble, messy and a bit outdated pedalboard:


    I think the picture was taken at our gig this summer. After that, I’ve gotten rid of the Super Comp and bought a volume pedal by Dunlop and a Stereo Pulsar. I quite like my board right now, even though the wah and volume pedals don’t fit the case. Thinking of getting a Rat or some chorus next maybe.

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