Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Polychorus strange high frequency?

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    Trim 1 & 4 are bias, these must be set pretty precisely to get delay signal through, especially clean, DON’T touch them unless you’re not getting delay from some settings.

    Trims 2 & 5 are Balance/Cancel, you can adjust these to see if you can clear up some clock noise.

    Trims 3 & 6 are Gain, these might possibly need backing off slightly to help with noise.

    Trim 8 is Clock, careful with it but it might be the trim you’re looking for.

    And Trim 7 is Mix.

    Mark anything before you move it so you can put it back where it was and adjust one trim at a time… unless you know what you’re doing though, i’d always send it back to EHX for callibration.

    These are only the trims as I know them, they may be different for different versions, these are not meant to be user serviceable so it’s not my or EHXs fault if you cock it up.


    Hopefully this helps.

    As from the facts gathered from speaking with the doctors in the past, Electro-Harmonix pedals aren’t necessarily without design flaws, from a specific perspective. The pedals are made with an extreme nature at heart. Opposed to some pedals which only give you so much. EHX gives more possibilities for use. Additionaly, (with obviousness at heart) depending on how you set up certain pedals, the outcome will be exponentially different.

    —-From my expereience the tune delay knob has a needle that pokes when pushed to the extreme.
    —-The feedback knob is what it is and will give you the extremities.
    —-Additionaly, the width knob starts to act up and get hairy sometimes if it is all the way up.

    This unit is a work of watery art and must be taken with a little salt, it’s the ocean.

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