Home Forums Vintage EHX Polychorus Service Manual, Notes, Schematics

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  • #85275

    Hi There!

    I just recently bought an older Polychorus that needs calibration. I have an electronics workbench with test equipment such as an oscilloscope, isolated power supply, signal generators, etc. I also have many years experience building amplifiers. Do you guys keep service notes on these, or a verified schematic? The PCB is labeled TCI-A4H 94HB.

    Any help is greatly appreciated



    I take it that’s the model with the MN3008 & MN3009 from the PCB Code.

    The schematic only gives the clock adjustment;
    Sweep Filter – Off
    Width – Full CCW
    Rate – Full CCW
    Tune/Delay – Full CW
    Mode – Filter Matrix
    Adjust Trim 8 for 100uS at 4013 pin 1.

    Trim pots 1 & 4 are your BBD bias and Trim pots 2 & 5 are the BBD balance trims, setting those up will be similar to any other BBD set up procedure.


    Nice, thank you!

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