Home Forums The Lounge Polychorus im getting this next month in march!

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  • #79878

    and i just cant wait to rock out on this!
    :poke: :rawk:


    ive checked some vids at this site on the poly. its sounding alot like the deluxe memory man.

    but it is alot different and still a classy model.

    here is my setup:

    Rickenbacher> Dunlop Crybaby> boss overdrive OD-1> Microsynthesizer> Frequency Analyzer> Deluxe Memory Man> Orange crush 15R.
    pedals i use to own:

    Doctor Q, Big Muff(standard i wish i kept!) SMMH ( did you know that “hazarai” in yiddish means crap?

    its a proven fact no insult towards ehx, its an inside joke believe it or not.

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