Home Forums Help/Technical Questions POG2 or HOG (or none of the above) for strings, woodwinds?

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    Hi all,

    New to the board, and sorry if this is the thousandth time someone has asked this question but…

    I’m like… losing sleep lusting after the HOG and POG 2, but they’re pretty big money (esp. the HOG) and absolutely no one stocks them around here, so I can’t test drive in hopes of firmly justifying the purchase.

    I get that the POG 2 is great for octaves, 8/12 string and baritone type sounds, as well as organs and variations on that theme, and I get the impression that the HOG does all that (though somewhat differently) and more. I’ve seen Bill Ruppert’s AMAZING demos but these usually involve combinations of effects, and frankly, I can’t afford to build a whole collection of EHX products right now (tempting as that may be.)

    So cutting to the chase: I want to know whether either of these pedals (HOG, or POG 2) can be used to effectively model string section instruments (violin, cello, double bass, entire sections) or woodwind (primarily flute, oboe for extra credit) sounds. These are the staples of my MIDI rig, and I would love to get away from MIDI and into something more portable, reliable, and expressive.

    I’d love to hear that the POG 2 will get me there as it’s so much cheaper than the HOG. But realistically, will either of these do the job? I do love the organ and B3 stunts, but those alone will not justify the purchase for me. I’m happy enough with overdriven guitar and rotary sim for those purposes.

    Thanks so much!


    OK, just read carefully through “Effectology, Vol. 3: Cello Concerto for Guitar and Effect Pedals”, here:


    My God, Bill is ridiculously talented. Anyway… One question came up in that thread and unfortunately was never directly answered:

    I would assume that a similar cello sound would be possible using the POG2?

    (Bill had used the HOG for that particular voice.)

    I’d love to get an opinion on this specific point. I could probably find other effects in my collection (and/or emulated in NI Guitar Rig) to cover the other bases in those setups, but buying *both* a HOG and a POG is out of the question. In fact the HOG alone is almost cost-prohibitive, particularly since presets can’t be saved without the proprietary foot controller.

    So narrowing down my question then: will a POG 2 get me anywhere near that beautiful cello tone, provided I can scare up my own compression, volume swells, etc? (I could even detune to the key of A as indicated in his example, using a Line 6 Variax, if needed.)

    Thanks again!

    P.S. The timpani trick in the “fanfare” video is just too cool. :D


    The Boss PS-3 is also good for organ sounds (more sigur ros type organ sounds than parliament/funkadelic type organ sounds) and for faux-strings sounds [modes five and seven, respectively]. It’s certainly no HOG or POG but it does its thing and it does it well.

    as far as cello sounds, have you considered using a bow on your guitar? it takes a little bit of practise but is one of the more impressive things to pull out live.

    can’t help you with the woodwinds though.


    Thanks, Cryabetes. Just checked out a video of the PS3, didn’t realize how powerful they were. I got a pretty good line on a used POG 2, though, and pulled the trigger this weekend. Can’t wait to see how it works out.

    A bow? I can barely keep my picking technique in good practice! :)

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