Home Forums Help/Technical Questions POG2 – Not Saving Presets

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    Looked at it that way, no… You can actually just contact EHX or send the unit right back, if it is broken. Therefor you´ve got the warranty. It´s that easy, isn´t it?
    I´m very happy with the support, I got a satisfying answer very quickly. I was just thinking of the complaints in several forums. Anyway, I really appreciate this forum and I love EHX products. Their pedals have something like a soul living in their metal shells. I wish, everybody was as happy as me.


    I did get an answer from them. They want me to ship it in to their repair facility and they’ll fix it and send it back. I think this is unacceptable….they should send me a new pedal and I’ll send them the old one. No reason why after spending $300 I should be without my pedal for god knows how long until they fix it. I guarantee you I WILL NOT be buying anymore EHX pedals.


    I would send it right in for repair, I always had super fast customer service with ehx…
    You need to have some patience in life sometimes.

    I did get an answer from them. They want me to ship it in to their repair facility and they’ll fix it and send it back. I think this is unacceptable….they should send me a new pedal and I’ll send them the old one. No reason why after spending $300 I should be without my pedal for god knows how long until they fix it. I guarantee you I WILL NOT be buying anymore EHX pedals.

    I’m sorry but in my experience no company would do that, my son’s Nintendo DS, started playing up after he’d had it for about 6 months, I had to send it back to Nintendo UK for repair and it was returned to me in a couple of weeks, that’s what happens under warranty, the company may decide to replace the item if it’s not repairable easily, but it shouldn’t be expected.


    words words words….


    I am having the same issue on my POG 2 purchased in October. Just realized it was doing this when I unplugged the unit before a gig. I have emailed customer service. Are they going to do a recall on this batch of pedals?

    Tried calling them today and no answer from their tech support department. I mean do they understand that this isn’t a $60 pedal????…… I paid $300 for mine….that’s a big chunk of change for a pedal……Ridiculous.
    I did get an answer from them. They want me to ship it in to their repair facility and they’ll fix it and send it back. I think this is unacceptable….they should send me a new pedal and I’ll send them the old one. No reason why after spending $300 I should be without my pedal for god knows how long until they fix it. I guarantee you I WILL NOT be buying anymore EHX pedals.

    Having been on the other side of things, and having dealt with “defective” products where, once a returned unit was opened, one could see the results of, for example, using a different type of power than what a unit is rated for (including melted components and scorch marks!), I can understand why a manufacturer doesn’t just take a customer’s word for what the problem is.

    You might feel that sending back a big ticket item for warranty work is unacceptable and that a new item should instead be supplied immediately. I’d love to buy a new car where you have found such amazing warranty terms.


    Regarding a point which has been raised in this discussion a few times, it is interesting that you posted on the 3rd about having called EHX that day and not getting a immediate response, and on the 4th, the very next day and about 24 hours later than that post, you posted regarding the response you got from EHX. It is clear from your posts that when you contacted them, they got in touch with you very quickly, either the morning of your next post, or even the previous day when you had called. You may feel that a response time of less than a day is “ridiculous,” but that’s as good as I have gotten when hiring someone make me a custom instrument which cost more than $300.

    With that in mind, my question for those who have been posting about how unresponsive EHX has been… how many of you actually contacted EHX directly, and how long did it take for a response?



    I received my brand new POG2 pedal a couple of days ago, and I’m having the same problem. Very annoying, to say the least — the preset function was one of the main reasons why I chose it over the Micro POG. I’d been reading this thread while waiting for it to arrive, so I was desperately hoping that mine would function properly. No luck, I’m afraid…

    I sent a mail to the European repair centre in Germany yesterday — currently awaiting a reply from them. Seems to me that there’s something defective with the whole last batch of POG2s. My advice to anyone considering cashing out for one, is to ask the store you’re buying from to test the pedal for you beforehand. Saves you a lot of time and trouble…


    I received my brand new POG2 pedal a couple of days ago, and I’m having the same problem. Very annoying, to say the least — the preset function was one of the main reasons why I chose it over the Micro POG. I’d been reading this thread while waiting for it to arrive, so I was desperately hoping that mine would function properly. No luck, I’m afraid…

    I sent a mail to the European repair centre in Germany yesterday — currently awaiting a reply from them. Seems to me that there’s something defective with the whole last batch of POG2s. My advice to anyone considering cashing out for one, is to ask the store you’re buying from to test the pedal for you beforehand. Saves you a lot of time and trouble…


    Got a reply from the repair centre in Germany today, with instructions on how to send the POG2 to them for a repair. Pretty good customer service, if you ask me! It’s a shame that I’ll have to be without the pedal for a couple of weeks, though… At least I’ll end up with a fully functional POG2 (here’s hoping)! :)


    Does anyone have a working POG2? Anyone? Because I ordered mine yesterday, would it be wise to just cancel the order?

    Does anyone have a working POG2? Anyone? Because I ordered mine yesterday, would it be wise to just cancel the order?

    yeah, a friend of mine has one and it works fine.. he bought it when they first came out… this seems like a recent thing to me…. I didn’t hear anything before this thread.


    I’ve emailed digitalvillage.co.uk requesting that they check the pedal before sending it out to me and if it won’t save presets to send it back to E-H and cancel my order. If I’d have ended up with a defective POG2 on christmas I’d have been in tears.


    If anyone here’s bought a POG2 in the past 6-8 weeks (new) and their presets are saving as they should even after cutting power from the unit can you please say so? I’ve cancelled my POG2 order for now, just don’t want to take the risk.


    Go me for posting 3 times in-a-row but I have some useful info!

    Just gonna copy/paste the email response from EHX support, you can see what I sent at the bottom.

    Hello. Some of the units that were shipped about a month ago had this
    problem. If you placed the order yesterday morning the new units are

    At 11:31 AM 12/6/2010, you wrote:
    >I’ve been hearing a lot of reports of new POG2 units reverting their
    >8-slot preset bank back to factory settings upon power-down. Have
    >these defective units been recalled and replaced? Or has the problem
    >not been completely identified yet? I need to know this as I put an
    >order in for a POG2 yesterday morning prior to hearing these reports
    >(most of which I found as unattended technical help requests on your
    >forum, which I think you might want to read) and simply wish to know
    >if the unit I’m to receive will likely be a defective one. I’ve
    >requested that the retailer put my order on hold until I investigate
    >the situation further.
    >Thanks for any help you can provide,
    >a loyal Electro-Harmonix enthusiast,

    As you can see they replied within a couple of hours of me sending the first email, even though I was a little aggressive in my tone. I’m quite happy with that! Off to order my POG2 now :)

    Hope that helps sum this up.

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