Home Forums Help/Technical Questions POG2 – Not Saving Presets

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    any news?


    no news, two weeks… very agitating.


    Try Giving them a call, Mon-Fri 10am – 6pm (eastern standard)
    Toll Free: 1-800-633-5477 (US and Canada only)


    haven’t heard anything further from ehx


    Wow, cannot believe that a forum hosted by the manufacturer would let a problem go this long with out a response. No more EH products for me. Sorry very disappointed.


    Hello all…

    Well I’ve had my POG2 for just under a week and I have the same problem with the Presets not being memorised when I turn back on my POG2. I actually had to wait over a month to get mine delivered, so this is quite bad. I would imagine that it is a problem with a batch of these pedals, as the first posts went up quite recently. As of yet, EHX haven’t really had an answer for any of us, which sucks – and leaves me unsure as to what my next step should be.

    EHX: please let us know a defintive answer, so we can all get back to getting the best out of our pedal!



    This does beg the question, is anybody from EHX reading the forum??? It seems not and it doesn’t bode well for customer care. Hhmmm

    This does beg the question, is anybody from EHX reading the forum??? It seems not and it doesn’t bode well for customer care. Hhmmm

    The answer is … EHX staff rarely visit the forum and it’s even rarer that they deal with customer care problems here.


    all the EHX contact details are in this post ^^


    ANY CHANCE someone could make a new tab at the top of the EHX homepage that says SUPPORT!!!!!!

    AND put that little tid-bit of info (the link posted above) in there. WOW, a major manufacturer of pedals and no Support page. A little weird!!!!!!!!! I mean that info is buried so deep, this is the day of INTERNET support and communication. DUH

    They have got to get on the ball. That is why they are losing the battle to other companies.

    I really do love what the Ring Thing does, but if it ever breaks……I know not to come here, just call the old fashion way, send it in, and they fix it. Yes I can live with it, but it really makes me now wonder how innovative the R&D really is.

    No Pog for me, its the HarmonyMan.

    Last Post for me here in this forum. This particular forum topic “Help/Technical Questions” serves no purpose, they basically rely on volunteer help and offer no over-sight for advice given. Not a good way to run a Company sponsored forum.


    I just got my POG2 pedal a few days ago and I am running into the same problem. Will not save presets on power down. I really hope they get this worked out kinda makes me question the quality of their product when it’s brand new and broken.


    Tried calling them today and no answer from their tech support department. I mean do they understand that this isn’t a $60 pedal????…… I paid $300 for mine….that’s a big chunk of change for a pedal……Ridiculous.

    ANY CHANCE someone could make a new tab at the top of the EHX homepage that says SUPPORT!!!!!!

    AND put that little tid-bit of info (the link posted above) in there.

    I’m trying to get it stickied at the top of this section of the forum right now, but I have the same amount of contact with EHX as you do.:D


    Recently I´ve had a question about an EHX pedal and tried to get some answers here in the forum, but no way. Maybe nobody owns this unit. Then I wrote to EHX and got a satisfying answer within 3 days! Lucky me… But I have already heard lots of complaints about EHX customer support, even in other forums. Is there any chance to wake these guys up and bring them to mind, that there are many many disappointed customers out there?? There are lots of problems that can´t be solved by a community… What about a “Complaint Thread”?

    What about a “Complaint Thread”?

    sounds like a good idea, but again… unfortunately volunteer admin don’t have access to those features, so we can’t do it. All we can do is remove posts and edit content (that’s been posted) basically we are here to just keep the forum happy and rubbish free for the members.. So it’s something you need to take up with EHX. So it’s no good posting about it here really….

    I’d probably recommend a ‘customer support’ section where EHX staff can answer all your questions and deal with your problems, because not everything is a complaint, but obviously they are much better equipped to answer questions on their products than we are, a lot of us don’t even own any of the newly released pedals yet and I’m always wary about telling people to try and fix products themselves that are still in warranty.

    It’s different with the old stuff, but tiny components and digital electronics is not something to be messing around with unless you know exactly what you are doing. So asking about things like that here is a bit pointless. There usually nothing anyone can do, the only course of action is to arrange to return the item to ehx or take it back to where bought it and tell them to deal with it.


    …also I’m kind of curious what people do when they buy faulty goods by other manufacturer?

    Maybe I’m out of touch, but if I buy a fender guitar and the electrics go wrong in a few weeks I wouldn’t think of going on the Fender forum and expecting Fender to deal with my problem on there. .. Maybe they would but it isn’t the course of action I would usually take. I hope that isn’t take the wrong way, but like I say I’m curious because we do a get a lot of the same thing here. Is that what happens on other companies forums?

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