Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics POG2 Blue Orchid sound

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    Anyone can get the Blue Orchid sound from The White Stripes with a POG2 ?

    Here’s the song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKntY8WkNYQ

    If anyone can preset this I will be very grateful.

    Holpe you guy’s can help me.

    God bless you.


    ok first off im sorry i cant halp you with your question, i just wanted to comment on the video.

    i honestly am not a stripes or white fan for that matter, but i do respect him.

    this video gave me sum flash backs from my youth, for a little while there i was a bit into Maralin Manson, and this video totaly looks like a cross between two old videos of his/theres.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6VojYGrnpg sweet dreams
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmfQ7gSaJgM Tourniquet


    jack used a pog just set your pog2 1 octave down


    Yeah… Blue Orchid it’s look’s like Manson’s videos… i like Manson, and it’s great if they take idea to make the video from Manson, and it’s looking really awesome.

    I’ll tried, but is not only 1 oct down… he used another set…



    ive actually got a setting on my pog2 tht sounds just like this song, you know the lead part in it, ill try and remember but im pretty sure it was like an organ sound with the octaves raised a little bit, so get the basic organ sound and them raise them a bit

    but ill report back tomoz !!!

    jack used a pog just set your pog2 1 octave down

    Actually if you listen closely there’s an octave up blended in there as well.

    I don’t have a POG but I’d try -1 octave up almost all the way, clean blended full, and octave up blended in to taste.

    Also he but the Big muff before the POG in his pedal sequence so Big Muff->POG.


    Pog (or Pog 2) with dry, sub octave, +1 octave and +2 octave —> Big Muff Pi = Blue Orchid

    The +1 octave is set a little lower than the dry and sub, and the +2 a little higher. I’d imagine on the record there’s a compressor at use aswell.

    Big Muff into a Pog sounds awful 😆

    Big Muff into a Pog sounds awful 😆

    Well thats how Jack White runs his if i’m not mistaken. I like my octavers before fuzz too, so I found it odd when I saw a photo of his muff->pog.


    yh jack defiantly used to run his muff into his big box pog, however on the racountors tour, he ran the micro pog before


    Have either of you actually put a muff into a pog? 😆


    It looks like the Muff is “before” the pog physically, but the cables are going into a looper or something. I don’t know, but there’s no way the muff can be first.


    The POG2 sounds great with a Big Muff before it and by tweaking the attack slider on the POG2 you can get fat tones like a Micro-Synth.

    Kevin Demuth

    I have a POG2 and used to have a Micro POG; they both sound best to me after fuzz/overdrive/distortion.


    i think it would make more sense after. maybe it would sound ok before but i cant really picture it

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